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Search results for "Genius"


Let's play ball!

br00tal Comedy

when you gotta go, you gotta hit record first


You have never heard anything like Vectorscan and there will never be anything like Vectorscan ever again. I promise you that.


Primus sticks their collective self somewhere between pure insanity and scary genius, though it seems like they're also capable of doing both those things...

Upcoming Releases

Ziltoid is coming… back!

br00tal Comedy

The funniest thing you'll see today, no joke!

Shocking Revelations

…and other fun studio facts.

Metal Merch

These guys have been listening to a lot of death metal, apparently.


Emerging out of the rough-edged husk of lineup changes and label unrest - including a six year gap (2003-2009) between releases - is a...


The ultimate late 90s nü-tour is in the works!


Canada has a knack for producing strange metal. The country has birthed avant-garde proggers uneXpect, thrash weirdos Voivod and the mad genius Devin Townsend. Most would connect Norway...

Sick Art

Today, the world lost an artistic genius. RIP H.R. Giger.


Nirvana is a complicated subject, especially when considering where they fit into the framework of metal, punk, hardcore and other extreme music in general....

Injection Reflection

Also, advice to bands, Guitar Center going out of business and more…

Latest News

When Napalm Death hit the Roadburn Festival on Apr. 10, they'll be bringing with them a new compilation EP titled Our Pain Is Their...


When they're not offering luxurious getaways to Cleveland, Mushroomhead are putting out music. Shocking? Yes! But the band released a photo for their new...

Bummer Alert

The GWAR frontman was found in his apartment late Sunday night. No foul play is suspected.

Tour Dates

Whoa, first and foremost congratulations to Saint Vitus for keeping the doom alive for 35 years! That's friggin' crazy! The band will be touring...