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Search results for "ANTHRAX"

Matching Tags: Anthrax , Anthrax

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Enter Lead Pipe Cruelty. God Forbid drummer Corey Pierce has announced the formation of a gnarly new supergroup called Lead Pipe Cruelty, featuring Thy...

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In late December, cops were called to Dan Spitz's house for a domestic abuse charge. Eventually, the charges were dropped and Spitz was released,...


...and I sort of agree!


Total #BFFs according to Scott.


""I don't think I've ever really found my place with this band. I mean, as much as we do what we do, it's so...

Sick Art

So many all stars. So much Dio!

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Hey, at least this one has a happy ending.


Altitudes & Attitudes is the new band from Anthrax bassist Frankie Bello and Megadeth bassist David Ellefson. Bello moves to guitar and vocals for...

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The music is apparently sounding "killer"


It was not a very merry Christmas at the Spitz household. Former Anthrax guitarist, and current Red Lamb guitarist Dan Spitz was arrested early...

Fuck Yes!

Last week photos of Scott Ian of Anthrax and Dethklok's Brendon Small began to circulate the interwebz prompting the question "What Are ANTHRAX Guitarist Scott...

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The low-end purveyors of two of the Big 4 of Thrash have united for a new project. Megadeth bassist David Ellefson and Anthrax bassist...

Fuck Yes!

Over the weekend Anthax guitarist Scott Ian and Dethklok mastermind Brendan Small both tweeted they were in the studio working on a new project....

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The nominees for the shiniest of paperweights the 2014 Grammy Awards have been announced and rock and metal have a surprisingly healthy presence. Black Sabbath...


Anthrax's 2011 record Worship Music took me by surprise in the best way possible. I wasn't really sure if I should get my hopes...


This past weekend, if you were in LA, the place to be was Bass Player Live!, a show celebrating the low-end musicians of hard...


We are super pumped to have a presence at the New York Comic Con this year, as we'll be sharing a booth with our...

Upcoming Releases

If you dug 2011's Worship Music, then you should be excited to know Anthrax are back in the studio working on a new album.

Injection Reflection

I want to send a huge thank you to Greg Kennelty for absolutely killing it today taking over the blog for me as I am...

Shocking Revelations

Ever since Rob Caggiano left Anthrax to eventually join Volbeat, the band has "officially" been without a second guitarist. The band enlisted Shadows Fall...

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Anthrax drummer Charlie Benante recently underwent a successful surgery for his carpal tunnel syndrome recently, to no detriment of the band! Hooray!