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Best of 2011

Not too long ago, I went over to Double-Down Saloon to celebrate Frank’s birthday with the rest of the crew from Metal Injection and...

Tour Dates

The fine folks behind the New England Metal & Hardcore Festival got an early start on announcing the lineup for this year's event. The...

RIP a Livecast

It's was a three-person crew on this edition as Sid was on his honeymoon and Sean couldn't make it. That didn't stop this episode...

Latest News

What a great photo from night two of Metallica's 30th Anniversary celebration. Night 1 saw them bring out former bassist Jason Newsted, and I...


Surely, some of you readers are excited about this. Korn have posted a stream of their entire new dubstep album, The Path of Totality....


There's this movie: Werewolves on Wheels.  It came out in 1971 and combined one theme that was hugely popular at the time (bikers) with...

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Noregs Vaapen is an artistic conundrum. On the one hand it is a towering confluence of masterful riffs and composition, immensely satisfying in its...

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Max Cavalera is no-doubt a metal god. He also had a very different upbringing than many of his collegues, growing up and starting his...

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Magic mushrooms are a hell of a drug. They can open your mind to amazing visuals and incredible self-realizations. They can also freak you...

RIP a Livecast

Sean was out sick on this edition of the Livecast, so Noa brought her friend and collegue from Sirius XM, Monica over. Also, Andrew...


Last week, we pointed out the idiotic homophobia of All That Remains frontman Phil LaBonte with his pointless slurs at the frontman of Black Veil...


Axiomatic in all technical variants of heavy metal – whether it be prog, thrash, death or otherwise – is that it is as much...

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Darren Aronofsky is one of my all-time favorite directors, with Requiem For A Dream and The Wrestler amongst my all-time favorite movies (the former...

Tour Dates

Overkill are currently in the studio working on a new album, but that isn't stopping them from planning for the future. The band has...

Tour Dates

Have you guys heard of this Soundwave Festival in Australia happening next February? It's a touring festival, hitting big cities like Sydney, Perth, Melbourne,...


Remember a few weeks back when we told you Scott Ian was going to make a cameo on a webisode as part of The...

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By now, I'm sure you've seen the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie, but if you haven't, the best part, for this metalhead, was the...


Upon graduating from At a Loss Recordings to Southern Lord for their third album, 2009's Chronomega, Bay Area sludge purveyors Black Cobra clearly felt...

Hell No!

We know Lars Ulrich is a troll in the vertical sense of the word, but also in the figurative U MAD?? sense too? In...

Injection Reflection

I can't believe it's already October. I still remember being incredibly shit-faced on New Years as if it was yesterday. Now I have to...


Time off has been good to Primus.  Having seemingly fizzled out with 1999's artistically disastrous Antipop – stunt cast with such head-scratching guest appearances...

Upcoming Releases

I got really excited when Kurt Ballou said a new Old Man Gloom record is coming, then really sad when it became a joke,...

Tour Dates

The Jager tour is back, and this time it's going to be Chimaira, Unearth and Molotov Solution. Both headliners have been touring. While not...