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"I will say this: His issue is abdominal. He has good days and bad days."

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Blight Worms I.

Upcoming Releases

"We hope that after listening to Amber Galactic, you'll be wide-eyed, horny and slightly drunk."


The latest album from Sweden's long-running Pain of Salvation is worth a listen or two, even if the band has fallen a bit by...

Kids In Metal

Meet two month old baby Lars Decker – Lars' parents are huge hard rock fans, naming their kids Axl and Lars. Lars is unfortunately hearing impaired,...

Music Videos

Seeker's new album Loss has already hit shelves, and if you missed all the press leading up to the album, then here's another chance...


There's a lot going on in here, and all of it rules.


The album is called Largo Forte, which basically means Slow Loud. Which this is.

Music Videos

It looks like an old character selection screen from Mortal Kombat.


Wrekmeister Harmonies are masters of their craft and have put together a stunning record with the dudes from Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Now to...


Surgeon are back and better than ever with an album that takes their sound to new, more epic extremes.

Live Footage

Check out Pit Full of Shit, video by Frank Huang