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New Music

"Built to grind. Loud as fuck," as Oldbones describes it. We agree.

Latest News

"A full statement will be made soon and a new album is very close to being completed."

This Is Just A Tribute

"He would go out of his way to make sure you knew he truly cares."


Chamber of Horrors is definitely a milestone step up for a doom band on the rise

Full Album Stream

From the modest, but historical, deciduous forest and Appalachia of Tennessee, to the sweet odors of the Lodgepole Pine lining the jagged Rockies of...

Full Album Stream

Hear the new record from the Austin-based doom crushers.

Song Premiere

Two minutes of total devastation. What more could you want?


Another "no bullshit" effort by these Long Island veterans. But is "no bullshit" enough anymore?

Music Videos

New melodic metal band, Lightworker, are about to release their debut LP on June 20th, and we have the music video premiere for their...

Song Premiere

I'm pretty stoked to premiere this to be honest with you, as song is off of what will be the best record of the...


Norse is weirdo black metal done right!


Melodic rock/AOR may not be as overtly popular as it was when bands were selling millions, but the “scene” appears to be as strong...

Music Videos

"Almost everyone, no matter who they are, have experienced one, or perhaps even a few, epic nights in their lives."


Summoner sport a lack of unique ideas yet boast a superb affinity for a beloved template that ought to earn them more respect than...


Polish, atmospheric black metal, by way of Pennsylvania.

Upcoming Releases

In what looks like to be the greatest American black metal release of 2017, Dallas-based Tyrannosorceress is finally releasing their debut album, Shattering Light's...