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Search results for "BRAZIL"

Matching Tags: Brazilian , brazil

Latest News

Dane died in his sleep from a heart attack.


We recently interviewed Baroness frontman John Baizley and drummer Sebastian Thomson at this year's Ozzfest about their upcoming album and more. Before wrapping up...


FFO: Yob, Neurosis, Pallbearer...


Most of you reading this are likely intimately familiar with the convoluted and sordid history surrounding Sepultura and both current and former members. No...


We recently interviewed Rosetta guitarists Matthew Weed & Eric Jernigan about their new album, Utopioid, and the post-metal subgenre, which you can check out...

Tour Dates

"This will be my final world tour, but I can’t say I won’t do some shows here and there."


"You don't owe them anything, they don't owe you anything, you're just doing."

Breakups & Shakeups

Things will all work out.

Latest News

Jupiterian has arrived to cover São Paulo, and the rest of the world for that matter, in darkness. The Brazilian quartet returns this November...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Facada’s Nenhum Puto De Atitude.

Mashups & Covers

Andy Rehfeldt has done it again. This time he's taken the Iron Maiden classic "The Number of the Beast" and turns it into a...


It's a two disc set, and it's going to be awesome.

Latest News

Nirvana's bassist also wanted Sepultura to open for them.

br00tal Comedy

The above performance from Brazilian metal band Massacration has gone insanely viral. Imagine if Steel Panther were fronted by High Pitch Eric from The Howard Stern...

Tour Dates

Over 80 tour dates planned.

Injection Reflection

This was a relative short week for us with the 4th of July holiday in the States. We'll be back at full-force next week....

Latest News

Death from the Trend, Jazzy, Imbumblious, Sht, Vomberdean, and tons more ridiculous ones.

Metal Crimes

What a way to welcome a band into your country.

Latest News

Can you imagine the sense of pride Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo felt watching his 12-year-old son, Tye, play bass with Korn at his first...

The Obituarist

The Obituarist back again with another potent dose of sick underground metal to wreck your neck just in time for spring!