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Search results for "boar"


The weekend is almost upon us, and what better way to kick it off then with a bunch of new tunes. So I'll save...


It's Thursday, but it sort of feels like Wednesday, because of the Labor Day holiday, but that doesn't matter because tomorrow is Friday, which...

Latest News

I'm never quite sure what Roadrunner Records is up to when they sign bands that I think are random (see: Kenny Wayne Shepherd), but...

Around the Interwebs

For the most part, Hurricane Irene is behind us. This weekend, a good chunk of the eastern seaboard was under attack by the storm....


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...


Move over Rock Band and Guitar Hero. This is some next level shit. Meet Maayan Migdal. Migdal had a vision – record air drums....


I think I've made my feelings clear on this Metallica Monopoly game, but it turns out some of you were actually a little excited...

Fuck Yes!

Well this is certainly exciting as fuck! Former frontman of The Dillinger Escape Plan, Dimitri Minakakis (you know, the guy who screamed his heart...

A View From Behind The Drumkit

A View From Behind The Drumkit is a weekly column written by Darkest Hour drummer Ryan Parrish. Follow along as he scribes down some...


Looks like Heavy TO, Toronto's big metal festival was quite the bit of fun. A ton of pro-shot, soundboard audio'd footage has surfaced online...


It's Tuesday morning and I'm hung over. Probably shouldn't have smoked all those blunts last night, huh? Anyway, here is the music getting me...


We've been pretty hyped up on T.R.A.M. since we were first exposed to the band at SXSW. The band of course features Tosin Abasi...


Update: Junkie SearchAndDestroy rightfully points out that this track is actually off James LaBrie's MullMuzzler album (on which Mike Mangini plays) and the track...

Upcoming Releases

Metallica sure are keeping busy these days. Beyond just releasing overpriced board games, the band just wrapped up recording with the legendary Lou Reed...

It's Just Business

Mutiny Within were living the dream, or so we thought. The band got picked up by Roadrunner, were signed and then placed on a...


Hey Parker Brothers, Metallica wasn't enough? Now you have to go and tarnish AC/DC's name too? I guess they are no strangers to licensing....


We've all been there before. Perhaps you missed out or want to re-live a concert experience, so you head over to Youtube, make yourself...


Does anyone still care about Anaal Nathrakh?  After making waves early on with their love-it-or-hate-it blend of black and death with industrial overtones, the...

Free Swag

Everybody loves LOLCats! We've all wasted countless hours staring at cats with captions. But now, you can create your own LOL captioned photo for...

Around the Interwebs

Last night, Metallica posted the above image on their Facebook page, with a message saying "Coming to the Metallica Store next week!" I have...

In the News

Now, it seems Slayer is always doing something to get themselves in the press – tabloids, magazines, clerical billboards, and banned from Los Angeles...


Former Exodus vocalist Steve "Zetro" Souza recently sat for a chat with Metal Messiah Radio in which he was asked whether he'd ever consider...

Fuck Yes!

Most bands tour in vans, if you're lucky you tour in a bus but Iron Maiden really reached a whole other status by having...