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Search results for "purchase"

Back in the Day

Metallica rolled into Boston, Massachusetts, on January 22nd, 1984 (according to Metallica's official tour schedule and the venue's show archive), for a gig at...

New Music

Before his untimely passing earlier this year, legendary drummer Sean Reinert (Cynic, Death) had a lot of projects in the oven, including a fusion...

Shocking Revelations

Finberg has been accused by multiple women of inappropriate behavior and verbal abuse.

Shocking Revelations

You may not know the name John Finberg but you are likely aware of many of the bands he's worked with over the years....

Bummer Alert

Please do not kill the messenger, but a lot of these postponed tours currently scheduled for early and mid-2021 are going to be canceled....

Tour Dates

Dark Tranquillity have announced 2021 tour dates in the hopes that things in North America would have calmed down enough in a year to...


In keeping with the spirit of previous releases, Year of the Knife is a hardcore band through and through. Though one that pulls heavily...


It does not seem the two brothers have much of a relationship currently.

Tour Dates

Taylor will play solo tracks, as well as Slipknot and Stone Sour tunes.

Tour Dates

Drive-ins will never be the same again. "For the first time ever," a press release declares "Sully Erna and Aaron Lewis, two of the most acclaimed...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Mario and Daniel of Cult Of Lilith sit down to try Icelandic dishes for the first time, and the reaction is priceless! Join them...

Latest News

Behemoth are ready to play live again, even if they can't exactly have fans in attendance physically. Behemoth will host In Absentia Dei, a...

Tour Dates

Both sets will feature encores, including fan favorites as well as songs that haven't been performed in years.

Latest News

The Acacia Strain frontman Vincent Bennett has been relatively quiet on social media in recent weeks, tweeting mostly music he's listening to and retweeting...

Music Videos

French death metal band AkiaveL absolutely destroy on their latest track "Kind Of Requiem," the third single from their first full length album V....

Record Sales

The Metallica machine keeps rolling. Last week, we learned The Black Album returned to the Billboard charts at #200, pushing over 6,000 units that week,...


Holocene Extinction is above and beyond the band’s past material. Not only that, it is an album that has arrived at the perfect time...


Inspiration can manifest in the most interesting ways. Artistry could stem from hours spent immersed in subject matter; it could form spontaneously—as if art...

Upcoming Releases

Dudes have been putting out a lot of music lately.

Latest News

Lars-Göran Petrov revealed his cancer diagnosis over the weekend.

Latest News

Anthrax guitarist Scott Ian is all about authenticity, and he feels if a band isn't being authentic, they need to disclose it to their...

Tour Dates

Debauchery is the name of the game this September when Steel Panther will be performing live at two drive-ins in Pennsylvania. As part of...