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Search results for "black-metal"

Gear Gods

Southern fried... shred? Mike Judge would be proud.

Best of 2014

Watch the best of the best funny, awesome, killer clips of the year that weren't just music videos!

Breakups & Shakeups

The Faceless is now and forever the Michael Keene experience.


If you couldn't make it to Amoeba Records on Record Store Day some fan thankfully taped the footage for you.

Latest News

The ultimate buyer's guide for heavy metal fans shopping for Christmas or Hanukkah gifts for a loved one!

Metal In The Mainstream

This makes no sense, but sure!

Injection Reflection

This was a controversial week for Metal Injection, primarily with our most trending story… The Problem With Heavy Metal Is Metalheads: Stop Calling Everyone...

br00tal Comedy

There are so many Scandanavian bands that are grim and kvlt that Finnish cough drop company Zyx figured they may as well cater to...

Undergound Buzz

Today is our last posting day of the week, and thus concludes our very first Underground Buzz Week on Metal Injection. If you missed...

Undergound Buzz

Roaring out of the caverns of the underground is New York City's own Dracaris wring some new (un)life out of the maelstrom that is...

Shocking Revelations

"It doesn't want to be confused with any kind of music because it's something else entirely. It's a voided concept from its start."


A killer track to kick off the weekend!

Injection Reflection

This week flew by for me, and hopefully for you as well. Here are some posts to get you ready for the weekend. The...

We've seen a cat gang, a metal cats book, death metal cat, and black metal cats but we've never seen a kitty who could...


Nachtmystium has returned for one final album, and Blake Judd and pals are feeling evil, weird, and a little groovy as per usual.

Shocking Revelations

They were young and just trying to have a laugh.




This Montréal-based quartet certainly threw down the gauntlet in titling their debut Unrelenting Fucking Hatred. Thankfully, their flensing-knife-scraping-across-black-metal's-open-wound lived up to the labelling.

br00tal Comedy

Some mid-day funnies

br00tal Comedy

Metal has been co-opted in commercials before, whether it's Metallica for SportsCenter, KFC Black Metal Commercial, Black Metal FedEx Commercial, or a mobile phone...


Yet another chapter in the ongoing story of a botanist who retreats into nature to await the destruction of mankind and the subsequent reclamation...