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Featuring Ajattara, Sentenced, Behexen, and more!

Metal Merch

Plus members of Fear Factory and Life Of Agony.


Another year, another batch of great metal albums. While there are sure to be many more excellent releases announced throughout the rest of the...

Latest News

He's done with the West Coast (for now).

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King would, but others seem to be the issue.


Define prolific? Fenriz. Define magnetic? Fenriz. Define genius? Gylve Fenris Nagell, who was born Leif Gylve Nagell, is the answer to everything. Fenriz first let...

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"The band had a lot of years left in it, but I guess when it's time, it's time."

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"We got back together, did a new record and we toured for, like, two or three years. And that's it."


Reality is often a far cry from the animated series Metalocalypse in which the global economy depends on the world’s best death metal band, Dethklok. The joke...

Upcoming Releases

As soon as Slayer played their final show in November 2019, guitarist Kerry King has teased you will be hearing more from him. He...

Shocking Revelations

"We [in Slayer] did, and then we quit too early. Fuck us. I know. Fuck me."

Back in the Day

“What’s my drug of choice?” We are “Junkheads” for Stone Temple Pilots’ Core and Alice in Chains’ Dirt. These masterpieces were both released on September 29th, 1992. Core and Dirt...

Scene Report

We all know the lore of how Judas Priest, Deep Purple and KISS made big waves in Japan and inspired the thriving metal scene...


In 2019, Seattle celebrated the first-ever Layne Staley Day. Layne Staley was born on August 22, 1967. Layne may have been 34 when he...

Upcoming Releases

Blackwater Holylight, Midnight, Lord Buffalo, Cephalic Carnage, and more.

Tour Dates

Dimmu Borgir, Testament, Gwar, and The Black Dahlia Murder will be there too!

Tour Dates

Unfortunately it looks like remaining international acts such as Emperor had to drop off Psycho Las Vegas 2021. The good news is the festival...

Injection Reflection

We are in the thick of summer, so enjoy it before it's over. Here's what you missed this week: Listen to Fred Durst's Isolated...