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Search results for "BRAZIL"

Matching Tags: Brazilian , brazil

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Every Thursday, Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. KADAVAR – Children of the Night Berlin's fuzzmongering...

Tour Dates

Metallica are bringing their insane WorldWired tour to South America next April and they're bringing Greta Van Fleet along for the ride. The band...


We recently spoke to the members of Born of Osiris while they were touring with Chelsea Grin, Make Them Suffer, and Kingdom of Giants...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some bands with pentagrams, some skulls, an eye, and more! To the metals...

Tour Dates

A while back, Metal Injection sat down to talk to one of the organizers of the great Northwest Terror Fest. Joseph Schafer gave great...

New Music

Bring Me The Horizon is a pop band now.

The Obituarist

Trevor Strnad of The Black Dahlia Murder here kicking off a brand-new year of extreme metal recommendations. 

Best of 2018

This article will mark the fourth time I've created a "Top 20 Albums of the Year" piece and after glossing over my previous lists...

Celebrity Metalheads

Fred Armisen may have not been a death metal fan before that show, but he sure as hell might be one now.

Best of 2018

Read what our reviewer Nicholas picked for his 40 (FORTY) favorite albums of 2018!


When I saw the announcement for a Silent Planet and Stray from the Path co-headlining tour, I was firstly fascinated by the stylistic diversity,...

Shocking Revelations

If you're wondering what a band that spent thousands of dollars to play to an empty room looks like, get in here.

It's Just Business

It's hard for a small band to break out from the pack of all the other bands trying to make it, and occassionally bands...