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Search results for "ANTHRAX"

Matching Tags: Anthrax , Anthrax

Bands and Booze

Someone ought to try and drink all these beers...


Is Joey Belladonna preparing for life after Anthrax? In the last few weeks, we've seen Joey front and center performing the national anthem before...

Metal Injection Exclusives

We interviewd A LOT of people on the black carpet of the Revolver Music awards last night. Our favorite interview had to be getting...


Are you a professional sports team that needs a heavy metal musician to sing the national anthem? Then, Anthrax frontman Joey Belladonna is your...

br00tal Comedy

It's been a while since we've heard from Anthony Vincent of Ten Second Songs. Today, he decided to tackle one of the biggest singles...


We have two sets of killer photographs posted today. First up, New York photographer Rodrigo Fredes hit up the legendary Radio City Music Hall...

Celebrity Metalheads

Reedus played bass on the Anthrax classic "Indians."


Anthrax drummer Charlie Benante and Slayer frontman Tom Araya sure do love them some coffee. Benante isĀ an obvious coffee lover, considering the dud has...

Around the Interwebs

They were all guests on SiriusXM's Opie and Jim this morning and posed for a photo.

Music Videos

Anthrax unveiled their new video, a performance based video with some comic strip stylings. From their new album For All Kings. Check them on...


They performed "Monster At The End" off their new album, For All Kings

Upcoming Releases

Joey Belladonna says he's hitting the studio soon. Hmm...