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Latest News

Lamb Of God's Resolution charted at number 3 on the Billboard charts this week, with a whopping 52,000 copies sold in the United States...

Latest News

So many people have bought tickets to Refused's upcoming US dates just to turn around and sell them for insane rates. A quick look...


Even as a staunch supporter of Richmond’s metal titans Lamb of God, their last album Wrath simply didn’t compare to their previous releases. The...


This is a rumor I really want to believe. Blabbermouth reported over the weekend that they are hearing that Mastodon, Opeth and Ghost are...

Upcoming Releases

MORE MESHUGGAH NON-NEWS TO GET YOU EXCITED FOR EVENTUAL NEW MUSIC FROM MESHUGGAH! Last week, we speculated that the new Meshuggah album would be...


Welcome to a very special lengthy episode of MSRcast as we bring you a special tribute to David Gold. We celebrate his life and...


While most of us complain about gaining a few extra pounds over a sinful New Year's Eve celebration or a hangover so legendary that...


In our ever-continuing efforts of global domination, we here at Metal Injection are proud to announce the launch of the official Metal Injection iPhone...

Breakups & Shakeups

Some sad news for stoner death metal fans everywhere. Cannabis Corpse have announced that Andy "Weedgrinder" Horn and guitarist Nick "Nikropolis" Poulos have left...


Last night was the first of a series of shows Metallica is performing in San Francisco to commemorate their 30th anniversary as a band....

Latest News

The weekend is finally here. I'm kicking it off by starting my new show on SiriusXM Liquid Metal tonight, and I'm really pumped about that. It's...


I remember the first time I ever heard Spastic Ink's debut LP Ink Complete I immediately stopped what I was doing as if I...


Cynic has always been a band known for defying the confines of any particular genre. Their classic, 1993 debut Focus remains unrivaled by most...

Latest News

My buddy Paul Ablaze always has a good time on the road with his band Blackguard, but when he's not running around the stage...

Bummer Alert

It is with a very heavy heart that we report the tragic news that GWAR guitarist and producer Cory Smoot, aka Flattus Maximus was...


We've been covering the morsels of information trickling in about a potential Black Sabbath reunion and it's safe to say that it's not a...


Welcome to a very special episode of MSRcast. I have pulled out of the archives an unused interview with Chuck Schuldiner from 1998 before...

Bands and Booze

Bands can't make a living off record sales anymore. That seems to be a forgone conclusion. So, now these bands and their representation are...

Latest News

Last night, Devildriver frontman Dez Fafara tweeted that he co-wrote and sang with Max Cavalera "on the heaviest track I've heard from SOULFLY ever...

Latest News

Coal Chamber was a band that everybody knew about back in the day, seemingly because they toured incessantly. They were a textbook nu-metal band....

Upcoming Releases

I got really excited when Kurt Ballou said a new Old Man Gloom record is coming, then really sad when it became a joke,...

Show Recap

Metal Injection sent intrepid writer/photographer  Aline Miladinovich to the 2nd annual Bloodstock UK fest. The lineup featured the likes of Motorhead, Morbid Angel, Immortal, WASP,...

Latest News

Yes, the headline is real! That is the equivalent of saying Trent Reznor to sit out Nine Inch Nails tour or Axl Rose to...