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Latest News

While I absolutely loved seeing Metallica perform two nights in a row at Orion a few weeks ago (you can see our video report here),...

Bummer Alert

iwrestledabearonce have grown quite a bit since we initially discovered them in 2008. The band went on to sign with Century Media and tour...

Latest News

We've been keeping a close eye on oneloveforchi.com, the website created to keep fans posted on the progress of Deftones bassist Chi Cheng, who...


Sophomore slump has plagued countless bands, regardless of the genre. It’s always difficult to follow up an album that could have taken any number...


A few months ago, there was complete uproar in the city of Boston with rumors of Old Man Gloom returning to grace us not...

Open Metacast

Your future-self sent you a mixtape. Open Metalcast Club Metal #11 features the best in Creative Commons cybermetal, industrial, darkwave, and more. Shownotes and...

Latest News

Now that it's been a few hours since the news has gotten out about Randy Blythe being arrested in Prague, Czech Republic yesterday, musicians...

Open Metacast

Open Metalcast chalks up another episode, leaving fifty episodes in the can. They say life begins at fifty, and who am I to argue?...

Latest News

Just to quickly recap, Giraffe Tongue Orchestra is highly anticipated side-project from Mastodon guitarist Brent Hinds and Dillinger Escape Plan guitarist Ben Weinman. They...

Tour Dates

This seems like a fun underground tour, Wretched, who bringeth the death metal and Huntress, who bringeth the female-fronted psychedelic metal are taking out...

Latest News

You may recall we kicked off the week with some shitty news from Animals As Leaders about their gear and Javier's car being stolen....

Bummer Alert

How is this happening? Looks like low ticket sales, among other issues, have caused the promoters of Death To All to put the final...

Bummer Alert

Original Deftones bassist Chi Cheng hasn't had it easy since his 2008 car accident, which left him in the partially conscious state that he...

Bummer Alert

Some shitty news to kick off the week. Animals As Leaders, fresh off their bullshit court date, returned home from their tour with Thrice...

RIP a Livecast

This week, the Jew 4 were joined by Monica for the episode. We talked up our new sponsor, thanks to our recent coverage of...

Upcoming Releases

There aren't too many death metal bands that excite me anymore, to be completely honest with you, but Arsis is one of the few...

Open Metacast

Open Metalcast Episode 49, where we've got you under my treads. Show notes after the break: http://archive.org/download/OpenMetalcastEpisode49UnderMyTreads/open_metalcast_049.mp3Podcast: Download

Breakups & Shakeups

You may remember that former Decapitated bassist Filip "Heinrich" HaƂucha was "over it" last year. The band had their friend, Konrad Rossa, fill in...

RIP a Livecast

MAYHEM MONTH continues on the Livecast this week as we have a member of Whitechapel, drummer Ben Harclerode called into the show, and who...


Croatians seem to love them some W.A.S.P., but I guess Dave Mustaine does not. Mustaine has a strict "no performances with Satanists" policy, so...


Some metal bands age better than others. Come to think of it, some metal genres age better than others. As far as I can...

Show Recap

Our intrepid photographer Aline Cote-Miladinovich attended Inferno Festival in Oslo, Norway in April and filed this report, along with a massive photo gallery of...

RIP a Livecast

This week, we kicked off Mayhem Month, a month where each week we have a guest from a band playing this summer's biggest festival...