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No, I haven't gone crazy or "sold out." Just bear with me here. The Jonas Brothers were the musical guest on SNL this weekend...

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On the official PSYOPUS message board, during a thread about the band's new album, Odd Senses leaking, Chris Arp chimed in with some very...

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Appropriately enough for a band that’s been known to defy conventions, THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN’s new DVD sounds like it goes beyond the average...

Monday Wake Up Call

I know what you're thinking: "Rob, a wake up call at 1:30 pm?" Well, it's Presidents Day and I have the day off from...

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When the Mayhem Fest lineup was announced (and incredibly stacked) we questioned what bands were left for Ozzfest. It looks like Ozzy had those...

Tour Dates

In a tour that's sure to set up some mosh wars between metalheads and hardcore kids, SWORN ENEMY, PRO-PAIN and MANTIC RITUAL have announced...

Free Swag

Click here forthe answer PREVIOUS GAME Most of you seemed to be able to properly guess who it was a few weeks ago, but...

tr00 and False

If one thing can be said about the writers of Metal Inquisition (besides the fact that they are assholes) is they are heavily opinionated....

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Our comrades at MetalSucks recently scored an interview with guitarist GREG ANDERSON of ambient metal droners SUN O))). Anderson, who also co-founded prominent avant-metal...

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Metal is so often ignored by everyone in the press that any publication willing to acknowledge that heavy music doesn't start with OZZY and...

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In a truly uplifting story, the (first?) heavy metal band in Iraq, Acrassicauda, subject of the Vice documentary Heavy Metal in Baghdad, was finally...

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Things are changing in Cryptopsy land. Guitarist Alex Auburn has issued this statement announcing he is leaving the band: I am announcing my departure...

Tour Dates

It's unlikely many metal fans know it, but I want to go on record and say that the small independent Translation Loss Records label...

Tour Dates

In the kind of tour that some prog-metal kids would sacrifice their signed JOHN PETRUCCI guitar pics for, OPETH and ENSLAVED are spending May...

Tour Dates

OK, even if THE FACELESS were BRET MICHAELS' solo project, it'd be worth seeing them three times this year due to the awesome tour...

Tour Dates

Can't say we didn't warn you in advance–Florida death metal legends OBITUARY are taking GOATWHORE, KRISIUN, THE BEZERKER and WARBINGER out on a trek...

Upcoming Releases

I got an awesome press release in my mail box this morning. No sense in rewording it: ISIS, the Los Angeles by way of...

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If you caught IRON MAIDEN on last year's "Somewhere Back in Time" world tour, then you already know that no amount of gushing, screaming...

Tour Dates

Following up on an announcement from last November, DESPISED ICON, BENEATH THE MASSACRE, NEURAXIS and THE PLASMARIFLE are coming down from the Great White...

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For those of you who never understood why America's forthcoming holiday revolves around groundhogs (and doesn't even give us a day off,) your prayers...


NAMM serves three puropses in my mind: to check out the cool new gear, to get drunk and to see musicians shred. We went...

Tour Dates

If you missed the first PaganFest (or our awesome live coverage) then you need to attend "PaganFest America: Part II". It's an all out...

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Of course the annual Rock Hall ceremony is an irrelevant way for some music industry tools to feel hip by giving out awards to...