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Tour Dates

Oh god no. After treating US metalheads to one of the best tour packages of 2008 and following up by taking TESTAMENT and MEGADETH...

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BURZUM founder VARG VIKERNES, perhaps best known as the church-burning murderer of former MAYHEM guitarist EURONYMOUS, has been released from a Norway prison after...

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Formerly relevant guitarist Andreas Kisser of SEPULTURA was recently interviewed by MetalPaths and they asked the tough questions, like what he thinks of CAVALERA...

Metal Up Your Ass

Concerned you're not up to the minute with your favorite bands' tour dates, special appearances, doc trailers and latest rumors? Don't worry. I got...

Metal Up Your Ass

Ever wonder what it would be like if one of your metal heroes made it to the cover of People magazine (think of paparazzi...

Latest News

Our bro-bros over at MetalSucks just posted an interview they conduction with Marten Hagstrom of MESHUGGAHHHHHHH. During the interview, Marten is a cool dude...

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A sign of the "classic rock" sound MASTODON are allegedly headed in? An excuse for an unlikely collaboration between awesome musicians? The selling point...

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It was announced today that founding member Luc Lemay is bringing back Canadian metal institution GORGUTS, the epitome of the word tr00. Lemay is...


GENGHIS TRON may be serious about their music but for the most part they are very laid back bros. Recently, Chicago journalist Jonny Orlando...

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Over a year after a car accident claimed the life of drummer VITEK and critically injured vocalist COVAN, DECAPITATED guitarist VOGG is soldiering on...

Tour Dates

Well, this certainly spices things up a bit! On the heels of their big tour announcement, DRAGONFORCE have announced who they will be taking...

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Something fishy is going on in the ARSIS camp. It all started in December when it was announced that then-guitarist Ryan Knight would be...

tr00 and False

Every week the heavily-opinionated writers at Metal Inquisition chime in with their elitist views to bring you the best and worst stories of the...

Revelations of Doom

And now, for something completely different… It's that time again! Grim Kim has returned from the frozen South of Georgia (seriously dudes, it's called...

Latest News

Move over, Nile; there's a new bunch of Egypt-lovin' death metal musicians in town. New York City-based, Egyptian-born artist Nader Sadek will be presenting...


Oh shit! Now that season 2 is wrapped up, it looks like Metalocolypse creator Brendan Smalls is back in the studio to work on...


We have just posted a brand new interview we shot with Paul Masvidal of the legendary prog-death band CYNIC. This was seriously one of...

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It seems when METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich isn't busy hanging out with other dudes in bathroom stalls he is checking the cool world of...

Tour Dates

Did someone tell the dudes in MASTODON that they couldn't pull in a crowd unless they brought a few similarly sick bands along with...

tr00 and False

If one thing can be said about the writers of Metal Inquisition (besides the fact that they are assholes) is they are heavily opinionated. Its also...

Tour Dates

British guitar heroes DRAGONFORCE are coming back to the U.S. for a month long tour. As a way of saying thanks to the fans...


The last time NJ thrashers GOD FORBID checked in with a new album, it precisely the huge step forward that only a few bands...

Go See This Fucking Band

Last night, the entire Metal Injection crew came out for what may end up being the biggest show of 2009: Meshuggah, Cynic and The...