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State of Metal

Sure, we all dump on the Garden State just because it’s responsible for Bon Jovi. But to be entirely fair (for once,) that’d be...

Tour Dates

Too bad ROB ZOMBIE already lay claim to "Hellbilly Deluxe," because there may be no better way to describe the forthcoming tour uniting DOWN...

Latest News

Just getting back in the work groove? Then what the hell are you doing slacking off over here?? Ok, we won't judge. But, in...

Latest News

Behold… The Arctopus Live at Maryland Deathfest VI performing Alcoholocaust Woah! Looks like we missed this over the weekend, but looks like BEHOLD… THE...


2008 was a great year for ridiculously silly metal viral clips to be passed around to distract you from doing your work. We thought...


Now online is the archived version of episode 2 of the RIP a Livecast. This week we will talked about our new holiday special,...

Weekly Video Recap

Are you still recovering from your Christmas food coma? Well perhaps we can help you. We have a slew of holiday related metal videos...

Latest News

One-upping Rockstar Energy Drink with their Mayhem tour, Red Bull is throwing a snowboarding event on February 5 in New York City, set to...


Five albums and three singers into their career, Darkane are still slipping melodies into their thrash-infested death metal. Demonic Art doesn't try anything new,...

Free Swag

We're back with another week of what is becoming one of the most popular features on Metal Injection: the Guessing Game. Every week we...

Latest News

Between the Buried and Me are in the early writing stages of following up their salivated-over masterwork Colors. Bassist Dan Briggs posted the following...


A few days ago, THE END Records announced the signing of one of our favorite local acts in the New York scene, HULL, and...

In the News

Genoa is a city in Italy, famous for its historic parks, its ancient cathedrals and now for Christina Balzano, the teenaged singer of goth...

Back in the Day

The recent anniversary of Dimebag's death may have encouraged you to blast Vulgar Display of Power, 101 Proof or really any Pantera record, since...


The MELVINS are fresh off their unbelievable ATP Winter festival showcase that they curated with Mike Patton. If you missed it, too bad; for...


If you're cooped inside tonight, tune to UK's BBC Radio 1 to hear the recent in-studio performance by Philadelphia's unpredictable electroprogcore scientists in GENGHIS...

State of Metal

If you believed everything you read, you could be forgiven for thinking that metal exists entirely in England, parts of California and all the...

Latest News

The DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN's Ben Weinman is not just a guitar god, he's also an entrepreneur and a pet lover. So naturally, he put...

Latest News

Anybody with a remotely passing interest in metal can remember that day in December 2004 when Dimebag Darrell Abbott was gunned down in Ohio....


Oh, Death Magnetic. For being hands down the most argued over, hyped, controversial and polarizing metal record this year (sorry Axl,) it's hard to...

Latest News

Of all the worthless award shows, the Grammys have to be the kings of worthlessness. Every year, who wins is not even about who...

Upcoming Releases

We just got a press release from the fine people at Roadrunner Records announcing that Killswitch Engage will begin recording their not-yet-titled fourth studio...

Latest News

We just got 3 new clips from the fine people at Roadrunner of the highly anticipated Roadrunner United DVD that comes out this Tuesday....