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I'm sure we'll be hearing a lot about these young metalheads in the months to come. 

Celebrity Metalheads

"I was a big Primus fan growing up. I was obsessed with them… I was really drawn to them because they were so different."

The Thinking Man

Here is some progressive symphonic death metal for your ears


Disturbed made it to the Olympic games.

Upcoming Releases

After like, one year of talking about it.

New Music

Nightmarer's debut album might be one of the best of the year.


2018 has so much awesome stuff coming out it's kind of ridiculous.

Best of 2017

Hundreds of acts, narrowed down to the best 18


Nevermore's discography at a glance, commemorating departed frontman, Warrel Dane.

Latest News

But Bon Jovi, The Moody Blues, The Cars & Nina Simone are.

Latest News

One less killer sludgy metal band in the world.


Have a very metal Christmas with these ten heavy stocking stuffers.


Average songwriting notwithstanding, Dawn Ray'd's debut is an unbelievably harrowing and emotional black metal journey unlike anything else released this year.

OZZFEST Nostalgia

2006’s Ozzfest had another fantastic lineup that featured Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, Atreyu, Walls of Jericho, and Lacuna Coil.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes bands that piss you off for some reason, a supergroup, bands meandering from their established sounds, and more! The the metals…