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Search results for "Escape"


This could be very, very interesting or just rest on the laurels of the names it has.


There's a whole lotta palm mutes up in here right now.

Live Footage

A time-lapse video of a Dillinger Escape Plan show set to the band's track "Hero of the Soviet Union."

Live Footage

The official music video for the new track from the Dillinger Escape Plan, only released on a limited run of 500 copies of 7"...

Live Footage

The Dillinger Escape Plan's tour kicks off tonight and the band had a secret warmup show at Backroom Studios two days ago, where they played their...

Upcoming Releases

It's finally happening! It's taken about three years, but from the moment that Dillinger Escape Plan frontman Greg Puciato revealed exclusively to us that...


Intervals, the group that used to be instrumental but now kick a substantially larger amount of ass with the addition of vocalist Mike Semesky...

Tour Dates

This will be a tour of one-upsmanship when it comes to danger.

br00tal Comedy

It sounds EXACTLY like you think it sounds!


Ephel Duath have already given us "Shaped By Darkness" off their upcoming Hemmed By Light, Shaped By Darkness record due out November 26 via...

Live Footage

Doug Spangenberg taped entire sets of many bands at Hellfest 2004, but the DVD never came to fruition. Nine years later, he released the...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Take a behind the scenes look at what it's like to be the headliners of the Summer Slaughter tour. Also check out a day...


We're pretty pumped on the new Old Gods album, Stylized Violence. The band, as we've mentioned, features Jeff Tutle formerly the guitarist of The Dillinger Escape...

Fuck Yes!

We were a bit concerned when The Dillinger Escape Plan guitarist Ben Weinman announced last month that he had broken his hand, primarily for...

Music Videos

Killer video of the title track off the new The Dillinger Escape Plan album, One Of Us Is The Killer, which is out now.


When Jeff Tuttle announced he was leaving The Dillinger Escape Plan, I was bummed as he was one of the highlights of their live...

Bummer Alert

The Dillinger Escape Plan has canceled their European tour dates due to guitarist Ben Weinman's broken hand.

Shocking Revelations

The Westboro Baptist trolls Church have been sticking their nose in metal's business quite a bit lately. They famously said they would picket Jeff...