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Watch all of our SXSW videos from over the years.

Live Footage

Watch all of our SXSW videos from over the years.


Having been on Victory Records through an entire album cycle now, and with a cover of D.R.I.'s classic "I Don't Need Society" in the track...

Latest News

The world is ready for the new Black Sabbath album, 13 and we now know when we will get it. The album will be...

Upcoming Releases

SPRING BREAK! Which means no one is home, no one is buying records. Consequently, not much coming out this week, but there are a...

The FiX

With tomorrow, 3/8 being International Women's Day, we celebrate by spotlighting women in metal with videos from Fuck The Facts, Arch Enemy, Aliases, Landmine...

Latest News

Who would've thought that "Call Me, Maybe?" and "Head Like A Hole" would work so well together? But they do! Listen to this new...

Injection Reflection

This week, we concluded Black Metal History Month. Read all of our black metal-related content right here. Also, there was a good amount of...


Gojira drummer Mario Duplantier might be located all the way in the back of the stage when his band is performing, but for me,...

Black Metal History

Today is the last day of February and thus concludes another awesome round of Black Metal History Month. If you missed any of our...

Music Videos

"Witch Village" is the first single from Senser's fifth studio album, To The Capsules set to be released this year. You can pre-order the...

Latest News

Not that there hasn't been footage of their new song "A Wolf Amongst Ravens" before, but this one is actually listenable compared to the...

Tour Dates

Finnish grinders Rotten Sound absolutely crush live, and are a sight to see.  You can see them this summer as they tour the US,...

Injection Reflection

Damn it, Slayer. You're not supposed to fight about money, you're f'n Slayer!!!! That was definitely the biggest news of the week, but there...


The fine people behind Spectre Studios put together a wonderful video highlighting eight tips every band should know when they enter the recording studio....


You have have noticed that Metal Injection went through a pretty significant change in the last few days. We will no longer be hosting...

Latest News

I'm still a bit shell-shocked after seeing Meshuggah live this past Friday. It was an entrancing experience, and if they are coming to your town,...

The FiX

Videos from Gorgoroth, Dimmu Borgir, Emperor, Satyricon, and more in celebration of Black Metal History Month. More on black metal at https://metalinjection.net/category/black-metal-history-month

Upcoming Releases

Many consider Iron Maiden's Maiden England tour in 1988 to be their best ever. Maiden might just agree, as their most recent tour featured...

Latest News

Earlier this morning, while sipping on my coffee I was reading Esquire's new interview with the Navy SEAL who shot Osama Bin Laden. It's...

Music Videos

What happens when you take every bad cliche about metalcore videos and stick them all into one? Well, Attack Attack! can tell you, because they did...

Music Videos

It has come, on the 15th day the birth of Mars has arrived. The god of war, the celebrations have begun! Let the sirens...

Music Videos

Metal Injection gives you the exclusive first look at the brand new Fuck the Facts video for the track "Wake". Off of Fuck the...