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A few months ago, Mastodon

Black Metal History

As some of us intelligent people might know, there have got to be a few reasons why black metal weapons look so primitive and...

Injection Reflection

This was a fun week in metal… we laughed, we cried, we watched Dave Mustaine further and further alienate his entire fanbase. Pretty much...


It's fuckin' Friday. The week is almost over, and thankfully we got some new tunes to get us through the day. Let's get this...


I always enjoy metal bands attempting acoustic covers of their own songs. It can either be really cool or sort of terrible. Luckily for...

Tour Dates

I guess they're not announcing their 3D movie after all. After all the hype has settled, Metallica will be headlining a two day festival...


Why You Do This is a new documentary created by Car_Bomb vocalist Michael Dafferner. It showcases his band's struggle with trying to earn a living by touring...

Latest News

This sucks! Sylosis have embarked on what is their first big US tour, having only played in the States once before and a few...

Latest News

When I was reading through the list of this year's nominees for the Hard Rock/Metal category of the Grammys, I was shocked to see...

Upcoming Releases

That's right. Everybody's favorite gore-death metal band is coming back for another round of meat. Cannibal Corpse have completed work on a new album,...

Upcoming Releases

Devin Townsend doesn't seem to believe in downtime. After releasing two amazing albums recently, Deconstruction and Ghost, and now, even while working on new material,...

Upcoming Releases

Seeing Obscura this weekend was one of the highlights of the Metal Suckfest. They are tighter than a schoolboy's anus. (I went there!) Also, without...


Losing a treasured band member in some tragic circumstance or another is becoming just all too frequent. Just ask British new-wave thrashers Evile, who...

Fuck Yes!

Wow, it's crazy to think how time flies. On this day, 25 years ago, Slayer's seminal album, Reign In Blood came out and assfucked...


Listen as Dillinger interpret unquestionably the heaviest song on Nirvana's Nevermind. These guys sorta rule at covers. Have you heard their interpretation of Guns...

Injection Reflection

What a crazy week this has been, between the huge Big 4 show on Wednesday and all the happenings at the beginning of the...

Tour Dates

Woah! I can't believe As I Lay Dying have been together for 10 years. The band is set to celebrate this milestone anniversary, with...


William Shatner (The SHAT, as I like to call him) and Zakk Wylde collaborated on a cover of Black Sabbath's "Iron Man." It is...


This starts off pretty cool, but it gets weird as fuck. I think mainly the power metal vocals weird me out, but I tend...

Upcoming Releases

Periphery have been pretty busy as of late. They just wrapped up a tour of Australia, have a huge North American headlining tour coming...


Don't let Tuesday morning get you down. Especially when there is all this tunage to keep you pumped! I saw Big Business last week...


It's Tuesday morning and I'm hung over. Probably shouldn't have smoked all those blunts last night, huh? Anyway, here is the music getting me...


Meet Viktoriya Yermolyeva, otherwise known as "Vika", an international award winning classical pianist turned metal piano shredder. This Ukrainian native has always been a...