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Felix Martin simply cannot be a person and instead is a cyborg encased in flesh to make every other musician feel completely and utterly...


It's been a long three years, waiting for a follow-up to the EPIC birthday present that Rekreator was for me. I was a little...

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After all the hullabaloo of a new record and tour, Black Sabbath members come to terms with the fact that this may be the end...


Grave have been at the death metal game since 1986 (back when they were Corpse) and people are still paying attention, which only means...


Poor Dream Theater. The band must give hundreds of interviews a month, and each one probably asks them if there is ever a time...


With no intended disrespect toward the other members, I don't think it's too controversial to claim that Josh Homme was always Kyuss' ace in the...

Upcoming Releases

Jesu, featuring Justin Broadrick and Ted Parsons of Godflesh, are teasing their fifth studio album Everyday I Get Closer to the Light! It's pretty...

Open Metacast

Ever gone to the store for just one thing, and realized at the checkout lane that you have more than one thing to purchase?...

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It goes without saying that Gene Hoglan is one of the best drummers in modern metal. After the disbanding of Strapping Young Lad, Gene has...

Injection Reflection

July is over and now it's August. For me, this means the end of summer is near and that makes me a bit sad....


Over the course of just five years, Boston's Revocation have earned universal acclaim for their familiar-yet-well-executed hybrid of technical death metal and thrash revivalism, two subgenres...

Gear Gods

Felix Martin is seriously not a human being. I mean really, who gets that instrument and writes actual music with it instead of just...


"Maturity" is a polarizing qualifier in the black metal community, straddling as it does notions of both artistic development and selling out, a hitch...


Following their epic adventures in the video game concept album Level 2, Last Chance To Reason are back, and they are taking us to...

Show Recap

Almost missed this one. Summer Slaughter hadn't rolled through Austin since 2010, and I was under the impression this year was no different (looks like the...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Chemical Mike who had the best zinger: Time to Play the Game "Guess who Farts the...


It's been about four years since we were given Mammoth Grinder's Extinction of Humanity. And four years between albums is a long, long time...


When I hit play on the new Stomach Earth track I was absolutely blown away by how fucking ridiculously heavy it was. Why are you even...

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We rag on Dave Mustaine a lot around these parts, even giving him his own category, which we don't just do for anyone. But...

Upcoming Releases

Sepultura are not fucking around with this new record they are working on right now. They reunited with producer Ross Robinson, who helped them...


Are you about to go on an adventure and you are just plum out of ideas of how to score it? Well, Scale The...

Shocking Revelations

We've had a lot of fun at the expense of Lulu, the collaboration between legendary musician Lou Reed and Metallica, and it was widely...

Latest News

Kentucky's Panopticon and Washington DC's Vestiges have teamed up to release a split LP on The Flenser Records, and you should get it because it's (predictably) really good....