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TOOL "Hopes To Write" A New EP During COVID-19 Quarantine

Danny Carey, ever the optimist.

Photo via Travis Shinn/Revolver

Hey, remember when we had to wait 13 years between Tool releases? That sucked. Drummer Danny Carey would like for that not to happen again. Carey told Berklee Bass Webinar that he hope he, bassist Justin Chancellor, and guitarist Adam Jones can hash out a new EP during their COVID-19 quarantine downtime (especially since their tour got postponed).

“I’m hoping, during this downtime, as soon as we’re able, maybe we’ll get together – Justin [Chancellor, bass] and I, and Adam [Jones, guitar] – maybe start hashing out some new Tool stuff in the meantime, maybe write another EP since we’re down and we can’t do anything else.

“I’m just kind of waiting on that, you know, waiting around but – that’s all I’ve really got going on, you know?”

As hopeful as I am for this, especially considering how much I absolutely loved Fear Inoculum, Carey always seems to be the optimist in the band. Though who knows – Fear Inoculum was very well received and I'm sure that's doing at least something for the band's confidence in their own material. Dudes won a Grammy for it and had the best selling rock album of 2019.

Plus, and this is just pure conjecture on my end and should be taken that way, but I'd imagine there's some leftover material from the Fear Inoculum sessions that could be molded in an a new song or two.

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