If you know me, you know I love me some Ghost. As I posted in my live review recently, they don't just "play a gig," they put on a performance.
Writer Joseph Schafer also recently went to see Ghost. The one difference between our experiences is that he decided to bring his Christian mother along.
You can read his entire, well-written piece over at Invisible Oranges, but here is the choice cut, his mom's review of her first metal show:
The set proceeds for a brisk 45 minutes. Ghost B.C. plays “Ritual”, and I suggest that we dip out before the encore and beat traffic—”Monstrance Clock”, is not my favorite track and my mother looks tired, albeit pleased. On the ride home some of her misgivings about the people with whom I choose to associate vanish. “Everyone seemed really gentle and cordial—very passionate about the music! I saw so many people mouthing the lyrics… It’s unfortunate that you guys get such a bad rep because of stereotyping. On the whole you guys are cool—but there was a little bit of B.O.” I can’t fight that point. Another reason to never take her to see Watain.
What a mom! I can't even imagine the reaction my mom would have to seeing a metal band, much less one as theatrical as Ghost! Seriously, read the whole story.