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PAUL DI'ANNO To Scale Back Touring After 2024 Due To Health Reasons

"I wish you to enjoy this last club tour, because after it we will stop with continuous tours forever and you will only be able to see Paul at selected big shows."


Former Iron Maiden vocalist Paul Di'Anno will play his farewell club shows throughout the remainder of this year. Starting in 2025, Di'Anno will only play selected festival shows and at larger selected shows in theaters due to accessibility around being in a wheelchair after knee surgery.

In a slightly warmer angle to this story, Di'Anno confirmed in a 2023 interview that Iron Maiden helped him pay his medical bills as he was battling an infection and underwent the subsequent knee surgery: "So the last bit of the treatment, the band was really cool — they paid for the last couple of months' worth of treatments, which was good. I'll be forever grateful for that."

Paul Di'Anno sang for Iron Maiden between 1978 and 1981, and most recently launched his new band Warhorse.

"Dear fans, In agreement with Paul Andrews and his backing band, we made a decision that will greatly affect all his future live shows," wrote Di'Anno's manager Stjepan Juras in a post.

"In 2024, Paul will play his last, or farewell, shows in UK clubs and Europe, with the exception of only a few that have already been booked in 2025. From the summer of 2025 onwards, Paul will perform only and exclusively at selected festival shows and at larger selected shows in theaters, arenas and places that are fully equipped with ramps and that can accommodate him in the best possible way.

"After the planned shows in Japan, Paul will no longer play continuous tour dates, but the focus will be solely on his health and treatments, and occasional shows in large and iconic places will serve as a necessary source of funds for treatment and maintaining Paul's musical legacy. Paul will also have a free, very special show once a year for all FC members (who will soon receive their ordered goodies), together with his friends.

"For those planning to go to live shows in England, Scotland and Wales in October, November and December, please note that this is the last time you will be able to see Paul in the clubs. At all concerts, Paul will have a meet and greet with fans and sign items after each show, and this is also the last opportunity for such a thing, because we cannot guarantee meet and greets at festivals, etc.

"For all those who, for example, have never seen Paul in the legendary London Underworld or Steel Mill in Wolverhampton, this is the last chance. Don't miss it, because tickets are selling fast. At concerts in Scotland, visitors will get a chance to buy an exclusive limited Halloween themed tshirts which you will later be able to buy only at ten times higher prices from resellers on Ebay. We will have a special legendary surprise guest in Cambridge, whom visitors will only be able to see and meet if they come to that show.

"I wish you to enjoy this last club tour, because after it we will stop with continuous tours forever and you will only be able to see Paul at selected big shows."

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