Music Videos
It's heavy as hell, emotionally and tonality-wise.
Hi, what are you looking for?
It's heavy as hell, emotionally and tonality-wise.
Big ass hair metal-type jams from Finland!
Spencer Sotelo is still writing really catchy choruses.
The band dropped the track “Ode to the Colossus: The Giant of Circumstance” off the album. Right away, you can sense the maturity of...
Gutslit is coming at you with the same sort of balls out assault that drew so many of us to the death metal genre
Psychotic Symphony is by no means a bad album; it’s just an unforgivably ineffective and tedious one because of how ordinary it is.
GWAR is hiding in your closet, and they're coming out to play.
The guy almost had to have his leg amputated due to the injuries.
It's a heavy beer, but that seems to fit Mastodon's music well.
Well this should be super interesting, huh?
We've been endorsing Sweden's God Mother as far back as 2015, with their abrasive but crafty sounds that tie the metal and hardcore worlds...
Jesper Strömblad – not a fan.
Support Max Volume Silence Live on Patreon! Video by Frank Huang.
Support Max Volume Silence Live on Patreon! Video by Frank Huang.
Never has a form of music united (and divided) people such as black metal. Never has a form of music tapped into the deepest,...
The Twisted Sister frontman doesn't like "our image" co-opted.
What exactly do you…Do you see? Demons.
Now in black and white, unlike the band's actual live shows.
Enter the instrumental version of "Enter Sandman."
It's... kinda NSFW?
Including some stories about being in their previous bands
GearGods called it "the final harbinger of the Apocalypse"
Embrace the chaos and hell that is The Kennedy Veil's Imperium