Hi, what are you looking for?
"Hopefully everything will be done by the time the tour's done."
Mike Patton is involved.
"This record is for the radicals, the crackpots, the exiles who have escaped the wasteland of capitulation"
The video is a little nightmarish.
"We've written a few things, and they're shelved for the time being."
“And hopefully get it out by the end of the year."
Taken from their latest live album, Daemonic Rites.
Plus a few Kerry King stories, of course.
Gojira is a good band to be influenced by.
Tim Montana talks about his songwriting influences ranging from Guns N' Roses to Nirvana, and how they helped lead him to write his debut...
One to be found on the radio if there ever was one.
"He wrote back saying: 'Hahaha. Hey, it's just three shows.' I replied: 'Yeah, we'll see.'"
You probably saw bootleg footage prior to this.
Chino Moreno is wrapping up vocals.