Hi, what are you looking for?
An deep dive into tumultuous times.
"It's tough to take a tour like that in 20-30 cities in a row for a myriad of reasons."
Playing Dio, Dio-era Black Sabbath, and Rainbow material.
According to Brandon Ellis.
"Rotting Christ might actually be at their very best right now. This is a tough LP to top."
From Morbid Angel to Nile, you picked 'em!
It does seem unlikely, though.
35 years was too boring, clearly.
Day three delivers a musical barrage that satisfies heavy metallers and eclectic rockers in equal measure.
A lot of bands breaking up helped.
Wessels has been on a tear lately.
"We get offers all the time, and they're pretty substantial, but I don't know. It's not enough for me."
Shut up, they're sleeping.
A thrash attack if there ever was one.
We wish Wysocki's friends and family all the best at this time.
Neither rain nor pyro incidents could stop the second day from rocking hard
"Haven't heard Bruce Dickinson's new album, but I have a friend who told me it's better than Iron Maiden."
It's not a classic track.
"I had Megadeth posters on my wall when I was growing up."