NECRO has posted the following statement in lieu of some crowds not reacting well to his presence on the tour:
I decided to leave the tour collectively with my manager and booking agent (both tour organizers) because we felt the tour’s demographic was not receiving hip hop well. I was facing hostile, disrespectful crowds and was returning the same energy back ten-fold by being more aggressive than them. It was making a lot of people in the tour crew nervous and there was concern someone might get hurt (NOT ME). It was also being suggested that maybe I tone down my live show and not antagonize the already antagonistic crowd. I couldn’t roll with that as it’s not my style. I was holding back enough as it is but there is a line. All the bands on the tour loved us and everyone behind the scenes knew we displayed major heart and never once got phased by the hostility. We finished every show with middle fingers up and a big fuck you to the crowd.
I will make one thing clear for the haters: we NEVER got booed OFF the stage. Not once. Yes a ton of emo kids booed us at every show, but we had a twenty-five minute set every night and we stayed on stage for every minute of it, and we represented. Every show had at least 100 to 200 Necro fans in the pit tearing it up, and our meet and greets were incredible!
It’s just a shame these little kids are so close-minded. The majority of the hate was coming from mop top emo sixteen-year olds who have no clue who the originators of metal are, and didn’t respect my rest in peace chant to metal legends (Dime, Cliff, Chuck, Piggy, SOB).
As far as the tour organizers and I are concerned, you are my peoples so it’s all love and I’m thankful for the opportunity to prove I can murder it in the worst of situations. This actually did a lot for me and is just one move in many my team will make to blow Necro up.”