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IHSAHN To Release A New Album In Early 2016 With "Classic Vibes"

This isn't going to be a weird album.

This isn't going to be a weird album.

If you've been following ex-Emperor guitarist and vocalist Ihsahn's solo career, you know by now that you shouldn't try to anticipate what the man will release next. Just know that whatever he releases, it'll be awesome regardless of the genre he chooses.

That being said, we've been left off in a bit of an odd spot with Ihsahn. 2013's Das Seelenbrechen was nothing close to anything Ihsahn has done before, which leaves the door wide open for what comes next. Ihsahn said in a recent interview that the new album is going to focus on "classic vibes" and "good choruses."

So whereas the previous album was this total freeform, mental-trip kind of thing, this new album is much more focused on the rhythmical aspects and something that is inspired by other types of music that I really enjoy that are really focusing in on good choruses and really… not necessarily technical, but really cool guitar riffs. At least that's the intention — to focus on a more classic vibe."

I wonder what he means by "classic." Classic as in "this harkens back to my metal roots in Emperor" or "this is going to be some heavy-as-fuck classic rock." Either way, good choruses from Ihsahn sounds like an awesome time. So let's see where this goes!

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