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FAITH NO MORE's King For A Day & Angel Dust Will Get Their Own Tabletop RPGs

This is fantastically nerdy.


All the Faith No More fans out there – and due to popular demand from previous backers – will be delighted to know that the producers of the tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) The Real Thing are now working on a follow-up project that will cover the band's albums Angel Dust and King For a Day.

According to makers of the game Accidental Cyclops Games, "Angel Dust picks up where The Real Thing left off. But much like the albums, the juxtaposition is pretty jarring. With Angel Dust, we are adding a completely new set of rules for creating and populating your world beyond the hyper-local."

Accidental Cyclops Games also touched on King for a Day, saying "While Angel Dust is about expanding the world of The Real Thing RPG, King for a Day is about expanding and exploring the nature of reality. We've added rules for encounters with the supernatural, and even for creating supernatural characters. While the focus of the included story is still on a 1990s grind through the shady underworld, the rules allow for all new concepts and abilities."

The Real Thing is the first official Faith No More TTRPG. It came to life back in 2022, thanks to lots of fans who decided to provide financial support to the game producers, in a crowdfunding campaign. All of the game's tales are based on themes from the same-titled 1989 album by Faith No More.

Learn more about the new games, or pledge your own support by visiting their crowdfunding page here.

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