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Breakups & Shakeups


The harsh realities of the music business takes another. Sacramento second-wave deathcore act, Conducting From The Grave have announced that due to "adult commitments" most members can no longer remain in a band.

I'm assuming the message was written by guitarist John Abernathy, who mentions he's launching a new band, here's the message they just posted on their Facebook:

Hey we have been putting off announcing this now for a long time, because goodbyes are never easy, but we are no longer an active band. It may not come as a surprise seeing as how we went from playing 200 shows a year 5 years ago to 3-5 shows a year recently. The long story short of it is much the same as most underground metal and hardcore acts – we all grew up before our band was able to achieve any realistic financial stability for 5 people to pay rent and raise families on.

That being said however, we want to send off with as much of a proper bang as our adult lives will allow. During the month of January 2016 we are open to booking weekend farewell shows in the West Coast region. Promoters can email [email protected] if interested in booking us in their city.

Speaking as the main writer for the band however, this is not an end for me but a new beginning. I consider myself a lifer in this music thing, and as such have been working on a forming a new band called Wastewalker with the ex singer of Alterbeast. Ive also been lucky and grateful to land touring guitar gigs in Europe with Hoods last year and currently Shai Hulud (we are out now on the east coast). So if you are a fan of what Conducting From the Grave has created, fear not, there will be plenty more songs with similar style for you to jam to in the future.

In summation we all want to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped us throughout the years, from Sumerian records and Artery Foundation management, to the many promoters and booking agencies we've worked with, to bands like All Shall Perish, Suicide Silence, Carnifex, Dying Fetus, and many more for taking us on some of the best tours of our existence, and most importantly every fan out there no matter if you only did as little as shared a song, or if you did as much as to give us a place to sleep, shower, and eat on tour. We wish we could even begin to list the names individually but the list would be way too long and we would be afraid to leave anyone out.

RIP Conducting From the Grave 2003-2015

The band's final release was a self-titled, self-released full length in 2013.


[Thanks for the tip, Daegin W.]

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