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BLISSKILL (ex- Darkest Hour) Asks For Your Help

After their departures from Darkest Hour, drummer Ryan Parrish, bassist Paul Burnette, and guitarist Kris Norris wasted no time moving on with separate endeavors that include the likes of Threat Signal, The Kris Norris Projekt, and Iron Reagan. After spending several years working separately they have now announced the formation of a new band called Blisskill, and are asking for your help in moving this reunited bro-fest along.

Drummer, Ryan Parrish comments about Blisskill

For over 20 years, Kris Norris and I have been pouring our hearts and souls into every musical endeavor we've ever been a part of. Whether we were in the same band or not, there was never any question that the music we had created together was special and authentic. And, after an almost 8 year absence from each other's lives (musically anyway) we knew the time had come to harness that unique energy and to recapture it somehow. So, we've decided to dedicate the here and now to doing just that.

You can check out the video below that further describes the new band, and their mission to raise money for the recording and release of their music through indiegogo. If you'd like to contribute visit here to see how you can help and get something sweet for yourself in the process.


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Shout out to photographer Adam Zaspel.