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ALLEGAEON Releases Cover of RUSH's "Animate," Will Hit The Studio In March

Allegaeon clearly loves Rush.

Allegaeon clearly loves Rush.

Allegaeon released its cover of Rush's "Subdivisions" alongside its 2016 Proponent For Sentience, but the band also tracked another cover that they kept up their sleeve. Allegaeon has now released their cover of Rush's "Animate," off the 1993 album Counterparts, and it's just as fantastic as the "Subdivisions" rendition. Also, props to Allegaeon for taking on two completely separate eras of Rush!

The band says they tracked both covers for bonus tracks for Proponent For Sentience, but "Subdivisions" ended up just being a regular track and "Animate" never got released. Speaking of albums from Allegaeon, they're going to be recording a new one in March at Flatline Audio with producer Dave Otero (Cattle Decapitation, Khemmis). Just in case 2018 wasn't looking good enough already, y'know?


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