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Bummer Alert

"I am certain that these Yngwie shows will be amazing, as they always are."

Tour Dates

The other bands will make some appearances as well.

Tour Dates

Plus one show with Genocide Pact.

Tour Dates

Even though they just released a new album.

Tour Dates

Sissy Spacek, Withered, and Jarhead Fertilizer will be there too.

Tour Dates

Due to the uncertainty of touring right now.

New Music

New Jersey's premier progressive rock/jazz fusion act, Thank You Scientist, are returning with a new EP, a new tour, and a new record label.

Tour Dates

Ministry originally scheduled their anniversary tour for A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste to take place in 2020, and then again for...

Tour Dates

Take Offense, Extinction A.D., and Plague Years will open.

Tour Dates

Yesterday, Mike Patton announced that he is canceling all upcoming Faith No More and Mr. Bungle dates due to mental health issues. Today, a...