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Tour Dates

Due to the uncertainty of touring right now.

New Music

New Jersey's premier progressive rock/jazz fusion act, Thank You Scientist, are returning with a new EP, a new tour, and a new record label.

Tour Dates

"A collection of memories of a life lived loud."

Tour Dates

Plus a new version of Opeth's latest album In Cauda Venenum.

Tour Dates

To become the most infamous death metal band in history, you really need to turn some heads. Cannibal Corpse has been that band since...

Tour Dates

Partially celebrating Murder The Mountains turning 10.

Tour Dates

Meshuggah are planning for a busy 2022. The Swedish metal masters have announced they will be returning to the U.S. in February for a...

Tour Dates

The Bay Strikes Back Tour, as it's called.

Tour Dates

With some Wino solo dates thrown in there.

Tour Dates

Sarah Longfield will be there for a few dates too.