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Tour Dates

Slapshot and Brick By Brick will be there too. Not all at once.

Tour Dates

Belzebong, Dreadnought, Uada, Goya and more.

Tour Dates

While Roadburn 2019 might be completely sold out for its entire four-day weekend, the Netherlands-based music festival has added another (and final!) round of...

Tour Dates

Seether, Andrew W.K., Light The Torch, Fozzy and way more.

Tour Dates

Fallujah, Spite, Uncured, and Buried Above Ground too.

Tour Dates

The Zenith Passage, Entheos, So This Is Suffering and more have also been announced.

Tour Dates

Specifically for the album With Roots Above And Branches Below.

Tour Dates

Plus a Necrophagist reunion! Okay not really, but maybe. Seriously though, no.

Tour Dates

Another amazing line up in the books!

Tour Dates

Every Time I Die's annual holiday spectacular has announced the lineup for the show and it's a big one. The bands have all been...

Tour Dates

Eye Of Nix's first-ever East Coast performance, Xasthur as an acoustic act, and more.

Tour Dates

This seems like a very fun tour to attend if it's coming to your area.