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Search results for "Within"


For those with the patience to fully submerge in the proceedings, Geist & The Sacred Ensemble appeals on a wavelength similar to Swans’ The...


Good luck avoiding a quarantine mosh when this album hits. Años En Infierno upholds Xibalba’s standard of destructive death metal, melancholic doom metal and...


On their first album in 14 years, Green Carnation once again prove they are prog metal gods.


Icelandic black metal that features dual vocals? Yeah - this rips.


Several years ago, I discovered Binary Code through the release of their Moonsblood album. After reviewing and serving up high praise for that record,...


Even if the vocals don't bother you, Subterranean Exile is almost objectively underwhelming from a songwriting and composition standpoint.


Everything is relative. Some people bag on Lars, others appreciate both his drumming and the part he’s played in advancing and maintaining metal’s relevance...


Catharsis comes in many forms, and with that, the release and expression of emotions. This is what fuels and conceives most art, and within...


Benighted has certainly earned their place amongst the death metal greats that have come to light within the last 5 years. I earnestly look...


Back in 2017, Savage Sinusoid was without a doubt a landmark album, surprising the metal community and boasting the next level of experimental heavy...


Even within progressive metal, bands sometimes stagnate. It seems like a paradox; the very definition of “progressive” implies forward-thinking and ever-changing. And yet, even...


After really looking at things, I know it is just an unfortunate coincidence I have never had a chance to talk about Beneath The...


Ten years ago, a little-known Norwegian band released their debut album to an unsuspecting metal underground. Adorned by the beautiful cover art of John...


Given its steady composure, openness, and graceful diversity, Inescapable is almost inarguably Godsticks’ best effort thus far.


It goes without saying that the past few years have been quite the gaping pothole in Suicide Silence’s post-Lucker timeline, so I feel obligated...


With Apocalypse & Chill, Delain's commitment, talent, and ability to compose and perform with a shared mind allows them to remain a top-notch symphonic...


Ether Coven harnesses a sound that fuses metalcore, doom, sludge, and progressive elements. Truth be told, the end result is almost exactly what one...


The band's newest effort is 30 minutes of doom, death metal, atmosphere, and storytelling that is hands down the best thing they've ever done.


Cattle Decapitation doesn't just give a masterclass in how to play extreme metal right, they outdo even themselves in terms of extremity.


It's blasphemous, it's twisted and its utterly unrepentant. Profanatica are back for your skull once again!


Antagonist is one of those super talented bands with a ton of potential, that unfortunately somehow just flew under the radar of the metalcore...


You may not have heard of them, but these Finns just cut one of the year's best albums.


The metalcore heroes return with their first record on Metal Blade records, cutting through another record packed with anthemic screams and riffs.