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Search results for "Shes"


With a few notable detours, this self-titled album is a solid reminder of why Lamb of God rose to the top of the New...


Dream Squasher doesn't stray too far from the path -(16)- has blazed for the past 29 years—one marked with addictive arrangements and inexorable anger.


Esoctrilihum is a French avant garde black metal project signed to I, Voidhanger Records. This project has been making waves for a few years...


Hard to believe its been 15 years since August Burns Red released Thrill Seeker. Once the young frontrunners of metalcore, they’ve matured into one...


Everything is relative. Some people bag on Lars, others appreciate both his drumming and the part he’s played in advancing and maintaining metal’s relevance...


North Dakota death-obsessed whippersnappers pay homage to old-school art form.


It’s surprising that jazz and metal haven’t come together more often. Both genres are rejected by the mainstream, value outside-the-box thinking and are generally...


Metempsychosis accomplishes all it sets out to in terms of transmitting the complex arcs and affections of its subject matter.


Is it black metal or is it "gutter sniping, lo-fi punk of a desperately unbalanced and astringent order"?


Given its steady composure, openness, and graceful diversity, Inescapable is almost inarguably Godsticks’ best effort thus far.


It goes without saying that the past few years have been quite the gaping pothole in Suicide Silence’s post-Lucker timeline, so I feel obligated...


"Aerial Ruin and Panopticon could've released both their sides of this split as standalone releases and they would've been great."


Ether Coven harnesses a sound that fuses metalcore, doom, sludge, and progressive elements. Truth be told, the end result is almost exactly what one...


The band's newest effort is 30 minutes of doom, death metal, atmosphere, and storytelling that is hands down the best thing they've ever done.


Hailing from the “wheat-and-rust landscape” of the Cuyahoga River in Ohio, neofolk duo Osi and the Jupiter have accomplished a lot since starting in...


Blood Incantation has outdone themselves in every regard. Sit back, strap in and be crushed by the vacuum of space.


An Embarrassment of Riches is a towering achievement not only for The Night Watch, but for the instrumental progressive metal subgenre as a whole.


Pitfalls extends beyond most music to educate, empathize, and entertain in equal measure.


As with its predecessors, The Infinite Loop doesn’t rewrite the rules as much as it finds Sifting advancing their characteristics in every way.


Hembree & The Satan Sisters have one clear message in their debut album. One that is repeated from start to finish, with vigor and...


FFO: Sworn In, Northlane, Spite


In maintaining many of their idiosyncrasies while also delving deeper into a focused narrative and more approachable structures, Kayo Dot has undoubtedly created a...


Socially conscious in a decade known for excess and decadence, the band held a mirror up to the darker side of the American dream....