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Search results for "OF"


Terrifying and apocalyptic black metal wrought from the darkest night - what more is there to want?


Examination of Violent Cinema, Vol. 1 is set to be another incendiary feather in the cap of the world’s premiere cine-grind band.


In the overcrowded subway car that is death metal in 2018, Corpsessed is the band you don't mind being shoved into. On their latest...


All That Remains is back—and in a big way. The Massachusetts natives are about to release their ninth studio album called Victim of the...


It is said that variety is the spice of life. Without a change of scenery or pace, everything can seem a bit monotonous and...


Opeth play songs from throughout their career, but focus mainly on new material on their latest live release, Garden of the Titans: Live at...


Fronted by the world's most metal politician, Taiwanese genre-benders Chthonic return to the fray after five long years...


Post Metal, doom and apocalyptic realities all come together on the monumental new effort from the long dormant A Storm Of Light.


Listening to A New Kind of Horror is like mainlining adrenaline for 33 minutes straight. It's one of metal's best bands performing at the...


I recall easing into the stoner rock scene and giving Clutch a shot years ago. While their tone and style paralleled other acts like...


Deicide continues down the strong and brutal path of catchy riffs, crushing grooves and spewing unholy bile on their latest offering.


This is all done while breaking into portions of more structured death metal that joins the brutal tapestries of frozen carcasses.


Whether it be the iconic imagery and storytelling on Pink Floyd's The Wall or the interstellar plot of Mastodon's Crack the Skye, it can...


Weird, unique and strangely flashy, the latest from Vrsa can't help but to fascinate.


Being quite keen on progressive metal—considering it is my favorite subgenre—I'm often asked to describe what exactly this style of music is defined by. Personally,...


The brutal death and slam metal styles have always been a strange concept for me to wrap my mind around. There isn't really a...


Witchkiss are gathering their collective force and we have a feeling that they will soon be representing the next generation of doom and kicking...

At The Movies

Bloodlines: The Art and Life of Vincent Castiglia, is a morbid, fascinating, and remarkably inspiring new documentary about one of the most acclaimed artists...


After some time writing for this site, I've become aware that metal is not exclusive to the first world countries that we associate heavy...


Manor of Infinite Forms’s take on death metal is as alien and downright putrid as its indescribable album art suggests and pushes death metal’s...


They seemed to arrive out of nowhere in 2016—faces veiled and clad in leather jackets. The Portland quartet Uada blindsided black metal audiences with their debut...


Organectomy make for an magnificent addition to the Unique Leader family, bringing in their own brand of onslaught


Taken on its own, Queen of Time is excellent, but when considered in context as the thirteenth studio effort of a band that’s been...