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It's difficult to compare any band to the mighty legacy of Black Flag, bar almost any era (save for the abhorrent What the..). So...


One of the great aspects of metal is the vast amount of sub genres. Sure, some can get fairly ridiculous, and the labeling seems...


For all the dark, heavy, and destructive bands in the metal world, it's difficult to sometimes branch out and spend some quality time with...


Let’s face some facts here: whether you like them or not, you have to admit that Cradle of Filth is basically a metal institution.

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I loved The Oath’s self-titled release last year. So it was with a deep sense of shock and confusion that I heard they broke...


Cryptopsy forges onward, and thanks to drummer Flo Mournier, we here at Metal Injection got to have an exclusive listen to the band’s new...


To be completely fair and transparent, Infernus really offers nothing new outside of what is already established by Hate Eternal. It’s really just death...


Watertank know how to balance melody, big riffs, mellifluously throaty vocals and down tuned heaviness, regardless of who they’re aping.


When Mutoid Man came crashing into the world at million unexpected miles an hour last year with the Helium Head mini-LP, they did it...


Novelty metal has come to be its own thriving cottage industry, namely in the form of viral videos and attention-seeking mash up covers. With...


If you ever wondered what a good version of post '86 Black Flag sounds like (since now we know because we've been blighted with...


Pushing their fourteenth album since their formation in 1988, Halifax, England's Paradise Lost are one of the godfathers of doom. And after almost thirty...

At The Movies

Extol is a band that needs no introduction. They've always been at the forefront of forward-thinking, truly progressive metal, and each of their albums are...


Bong—whose name is much more of a phonetic interpretation of their sound than a blunt (lulz) attempt at weed humor—have made a small but...


Death metal is rotten with songs about the rape, torture, and murder of women. Castrator flips the script on this type of lazy, misogynistic...


Tau Cross began life last year following Miller's second and ostensibly final disbandment of Amebix, a band whose initial lifespan between 1978 and 1987...


Ever since arising on the fringes of the black metal scene in 2010, Vattnet Viskar has done just about everything in their power to...


This two man instrumental metal band from Phoenix, Arizona is releasing their second album via Prosthetic records. After slimming down the band in 2006,...


Winnipeg trio KEN Mode have never made any qualms about their noise rock pedigree – even as the majority of their career have seen the band...


Everyone has their favorite High on Fire album, and it's not because the band are constantly throwing polarizing curve balls. The Oakland sludge trio...


Canada's Vile Creature is an anomaly in doom metal. They play a variation of the style that's more Black Flag than Black Sabbath, they...


Temple of Dagon are on the move with their latest EP Revelations of the Spirit.


Black Age Blues, being the first full length Goatsnake recording in 15 years, and the most recent music in any format since 2004, would...