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If you've been fortunate enough to see Gojira live, then you may already understand the intensity of watching one of the greatest live performances...


For a lot of people, one of the enduring attractions to heavy metal is the technical proficiency many of the genre's musicians possess. Without...


Across the spectrum in today's metal scene there are albums done with computers, triggers, effects, and a ton of studio tinkering, and then there...


Heavy metal music has a spirit all its own.  Many bands reach for this feeling, but only some bleed it from every note they...


The genres of heavy metal have been splintering ever since Iommi hit those first chords forty four years ago. Pseudo industrial hardcore christian dubstep...


There is definitely something really honorable about Carnifex, in how they are fine with their label of deathcore and seem to have no problem...

Black Metal History

There is music that is meant to comfort us, music meant to disturb us, and music meant to impale our senses with the cold...

Black Metal History

Another masterstroke release from Bindrune Recordings, Germany's Waldgeflüster return with an album three years in the making. Called Meine Fesseln, one man mastermind Winterherz...


There's nothing wrong with thrashy-riffs, breakdowns and lyrics damning the pitfalls of modern society.

Black Metal History

By 2002, True Norwegian Black Metal had become a shadow of its former self; many of the subgenre's powerhouse bands had either disbanded or...


One of metal’s best kept secrets, San Francisco’s Slough Feg, has returned and the band once known as “The Lord Weird Slough Feg” isn’t any...


There are plenty of politically charged heavy metal bands, but few of them are as ambitious as Avram. Avram is less a band than a...

Black Metal History

Brooklyn, New York's Yellow Eyes are relatively new to the USBM game having just released their debut album in 2012. Despite the band's relative...

Black Metal History

Among the most underground black metal units the band Incurus is one that remains really, well, underground. VJS’ one-man fronted abrasive black metal assault...


I hope you’re ready for some fuckin thrash… not the tired repetitive trash you hear trying to pass for thrash in recent years, but...


I think supergroups are so hit and miss. They have so much hype that has close to nothing to do with their actual music....

Black Metal History

Gorgoroth. That’s it. That’s all you really need right? You know black metal, right? Has there ever been a single shred of doubt about...


Plagues of Babylon sees Iced  Earth edging closer to the more sprawling epics we got used to seeing from them in the past.

Black Metal History

Almost any discussion about black metal invariably starts by referencing bands from the second wave of the sub-genre like Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, and Immortal. It's not surprising since...


Protean Collective, a heavy progressive-rock band from Boston, has emerged with a new album called The Red and the Grey. I wrote about them...

Black Metal History

What makes Nemesis Divina worth repeated listening and fond waxing in articles like this one is the brilliant creativity and utterly transcendent musicality and...


Blackened death metal. Lvcifyre's style is by now an old, well-established form of extreme music with its own tropes and series of listener expectations....


I've never actually looked forward to the time around Valentine's Day, until 2014. If I'm giving anyone a heart-shaped box this year, that thing...