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Euphonic Entropy builds upon everything that makes Diabulus in Musica an extraordinary act.


Given its steady composure, openness, and graceful diversity, Inescapable is almost inarguably Godsticks’ best effort thus far.


Hostis Humani Generis is masterful expedition whose fusion of jokey cheer and earnest craftsmanship becomes stronger with each listen.


With Apocalypse & Chill, Delain's commitment, talent, and ability to compose and perform with a shared mind allows them to remain a top-notch symphonic...


Hailing from the “wheat-and-rust landscape” of the Cuyahoga River in Ohio, neofolk duo Osi and the Jupiter have accomplished a lot since starting in...


An Embarrassment of Riches is a towering achievement not only for The Night Watch, but for the instrumental progressive metal subgenre as a whole.


Pitfalls extends beyond most music to educate, empathize, and entertain in equal measure.


Heart Like a Grave satisfies on all fronts, combining many robust bits of heavenly despair and unrestrained outrage into some of the most awe-inspiring,...


The German melo-death group returns with their first full-length album in 13 years!


From start to finish, True North triumphs as a resonant and characteristic realization of how well folk, black, and progressive metal trademarks can unite...


Korn has become such a mainstay in the world of metal that’s it’s actually really amazing to think back on their history. Their first...


Black metal and the works of Friedrich Nietzche share a profound sense of awe and grandeur at the natural world, and a refusal to...


Hard rockers Skillet have been delivering crowd pleasing anthems for a long time, and their latest album Victorious is jam packed with them.


Black Passage is a Bay area progressive metal band featuring members of Wolf King and Fallujah. The group uses their debut record, The Veil,...


Texas instrumental group Driving Slow Motion prides itself on delivering “cascading dynamics and atmospheric melodies” to spark “a surreal sonic experience that both captivates...


Reach for the Sky is only the band’s second full-length of their 20+ year history, but we're pleased to announce it's quite good.


Now We Sleep maintains the magnetism and strive of The Observer while also upholding its own identity and idiosyncrasies throughout.


You are not ready for this one...


Fantasma Nera may be Kings Destroy’s best effort to date, as each entry offers its own mesmerizing features (be they catchy vocal passages, gripping...


Occupational hazards notwithstanding, The Eighth Mountain is a very strong addition to both Rhapsody of Fire’s canon and the world of symphonic/power metal globally.


Portland's Ossuarium has a bright (er...dark?) future ahead of it, as shown by their fantastic debut album.


Even when Beaten to Death appears to veer away from what makes them a standalone proposition, they still present as a novel outfit. Their...


In the overcrowded subway car that is death metal in 2018, Corpsessed is the band you don't mind being shoved into. On their latest...