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Everyone rides that Sword jock nowadays – it's worn, broken in and smells pleasantly of oiled leather – but let's pause a moment to reflect upon...


The moment is finally here; the Time is now (hur-hur). I suppose the default question must be: "does it meet expectations?" But could anything,...


When I reviewed Cradle of Filth's last album, I tried in fairness to emphasize the band's strengths, while addressing the typical reservations many extreme...


Cryptopsy's reputation has been in a constant state of flux over the last 4 to 5 years and since the dust only recently has...


In order for a “progressive” album to be a success, its sound must be able to explore and experiment, yet still be memorable enough...


In my review of their last album, Wormwood, I praised The Acacia Strain for their raw anger and brutality, but complained about the lack...


Ufomammut, the Italian experimenters of space and sound, have returned with their second album of the year: Oro – “Opus Alter”. This album follows on...


I chose to review this album as a way to broaden my metal horizons. I'd obviously heard of Germany's legendary Grave Digger before, but...


In This Moment comes back with their latest release, Blood. People seem to be black and white when it comes to their opinions on...


Ostensibly borne of black metal, Krallice suffer from the simplicity of that label. Summoning a protean confluence of speed, intricacy, melody, and rhythmic ardor,...


As with any other genre, doom metal can be hit or miss. Whether treading the waters of desolate drone or keeping with the tried...


One of the latest releases from the seemingly unstoppable Southern Lord Records machine is Enabler's new album, All Hail The Void. Enjoying previous short releases from...


Now, I’ll admit that polka-influenced folk metal isn’t for everyone. Complaints about the genre vary, ranging from derision of the unmetal instruments and arrangements,...


Maybe it has something to do with apocalyptic musings given to the year, but 2012 has already seen a lions share of bellowing, doom...


It's a long journey from paying tribute to being tribute-worthy oneself. It's a common pitfall among many artists: hamstringing themselves with their own sense...


When asked where metal comes from, most fans will name The United States, The United Kingdom, Germany, and the Scandinavian lands as responsible for...


Al Cisneros of stoner titans Sleep and Emil Amos have created a sonic masterpiece with Advaitic Songs.  Om don’t really seem to fit into...


Sophomore slump has plagued countless bands, regardless of the genre. It’s always difficult to follow up an album that could have taken any number...


Ulver have long been known for their restless experimentation, flitting from black metal to folk to dark ambient and all things in between (mostly...


There’s plenty to say about the sonic gulfs that separate Yellow & Green from Baroness’ past work, but the primary difference here is in...


Stream the album in full at themusic.com.au If you had asked me several years ago if I ever thought a band like France’s Gojira...


Six years is an eternity in metal years. Entire trends rise and die off in a mere half-decade with a fair amount of consistency....


Maryland death metal stalwarts, Dying Fetus; return with their 7th album Reign Supreme which follows their last effort Descent Into Depravity nearly 3 years ago....