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Search results for "ocean"


The deathgrind folks in Maruta have been at it since 2005. Though the band has only three albums to their name, they've still put...


Sulphur Aeon has been a staple in my daily diet of metal, and upon seeing the artwork for Gateway to the Antisphere, I knew...


Scotland's Falloch was last on the scene as a duo, since then vocalist/guitarist/tin whistle-ist Andy Marshall left the band opting instead for the much...


Back from the ocean deep to the shores of San Francisco (by by of Sacramento) Giant Squid have returned to drag you to a...


Seizures are...a lot of things. Difficult to classify but still worthy of squeezing between genres. The Dana Point, CA unit started back in 2010....


In the most basic terms, Ævangelist is a black/death band. The music this duo creates is similar to the racket that Teitanblood belched into...


Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Wolvhammer made waves back in 2011 with crusty black metal gem The Obsidian Plains, cementing them as rising shadows in the...


It's a shame power metal doesn't get more respect or attention because metal fans are missing out on a lot of good releases like...


Blackened death metal. Lvcifyre's style is by now an old, well-established form of extreme music with its own tropes and series of listener expectations....


Chicago's Murmur burst onto the scene with the awesome bummer of an album, Mainlining the Lugubrious. Since then they're no less bummed but they're also insane...


The term "progressive" gets thrown around in heavy metal. There are many progressive bands out there that find a sound that breaks a little...


2013 has been a pretty amazing year for progressive metal of all sorts. Last Chance To Reason put out the great almost aquatic sounding album...


Picture this scene. You’ve just landed on the isle of Crete. You leave your ship and walk up the beach. The surf is crashing...


"The…story takes place in a remote village in northern Sweden in the late 1800's. The central character lives in Stockholm and comes from wealth,...


Friday night I had one of the coolest metal moments of my metal nerd life. Summer Slaughter kicked off in San Francisco and The Ocean put...


A little over a year ago, I wrote a review of Autolatry's EP, Of the Land, and enjoyed it quite a bit. After a listen...


Let's be real about this: Clutch is one of the only hard rock bands in the world worth caring about. A howling, bombed out wilderness...


Shai Hulud is undeniably one of the most important bands of the last 15 years. On the front lines of metallic-hardcore, they had a...

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I went into this review with absolutely no knowledge of Vorum or any of their past work. Looking at the album cover, they could...


What the fuck is going on in Oregon?  Some of the most forward thinking yet hazy, cerebral and generally unhappy music of recent years...


Discounting the formative, retrospectively uncharacteristic Retribution – well received at the time but juvenilia in hindsight – Obscura launched themselves to the forefront of...


By: Nina Saeidi Hailing (quite literally) from the un-exotic depths of Manchester, WINTERFYLLETH are famed for their beautiful atmospheric black metal and infamous for...


In short- the album is great, go buy it, and go see the band live as soon as you can.

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