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I've never actually looked forward to the time around Valentine's Day, until 2014. If I'm giving anyone a heart-shaped box this year, that thing...


Calvaiire is a four-piece metallic hardcore band hailing out of Laval, France. And while I'm no French speaker (all the songs are in French,...


One of the more underrated bands in the sludge/doom milieu – certainly one of the most unheralded of the Chicago metal scene as a...


Whereas certain metal splinter genres like sludge and doom have found their requisite bands experimenting in ways that are still decidedly metal – or...


Chicago's Murmur burst onto the scene with the awesome bummer of an album, Mainlining the Lugubrious. Since then they're no less bummed but they're also insane...


Fans of early Napalm Death are going to want to listen up.


It would be easy to dismiss these guys as false or question their grimness since the band hail from the sun drenched Golden State....


I'm thinking that this will be my last Weekly Injection for the year. This time of year is nothing but stuff being put out...


In the late 90's and early 00's, Rhapsody of Fire (simply Rhapsody at the time) were one of the undisputed heavyweight bands of power metal. There were...


Let's be frank, shall we? 23 years into the band's recorded history, there have been far more mediocre Deicide albums than truly good ones. No one...


So after only a scanning a few tracks, I thought this album would produce a very "ho-hum" review. But after a much closer listen...


There's nothing quite like an album that's pissed off. An album that is so dead set to kill that the first strikes of its...


Tres Cabrones is the second Melvins album in five months, and like its predecessor, Everybody Loves Sausages, there is a bit of stunting involved here. Whereas Sausages focused on a...


Celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Evil Never Dies, his vinyl debut as Toxic Holocaust, Joel Grind issued a career spanning retrospective (From the Ashes...


One-off collaborations are nothing new to heavy metal. There's no other genre, save hip-hop, that spawns as many side projects and (forgive me for...


Hypothetically let's say we've taken a record of Ihsahn's overall style from his past four solo records. Let's say this tome contains a fairly...


I went out and got my hipster on Sunday at the Treasure Island Festival. I have not shame in this. However, in the process...


There's a lot of hype surrounding Atlantean Kodex's sophomore album, The White Goddess, right now. That's not news in and of itself; in any...


You know what the metal world needs more of? Musicals. I'm not saying that ironically either. Sure, we have plenty of prog bands putting out...


Touché Amoré is a progressive/melodic hardcore band hailing out of Los Angeles, best known for their excellent song structure and heartfelt lyricism that is...


It's fitting that the resurgence of both Death Angel and Testament coincided with dual supporting slots on the Anthrax comeback tour two years ago: both are Bay Area thrash acts...


To summarize quickly for those who lack the patience to read this entire review: this is a pure funeral doom record, and a very...


Since 2003, Alexander von Meilenwald, the former drummer for Nagelfar, has been releasing sprawling black metal epics under the name The Ruins of Beverast. His music starts with...