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Search results for "dri"

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


When you think of blast beats you're mind probably goes to something like Napalm Death or Rotten Sound nowadays. Perhaps Pig Destroyer's Prowler in...


In 1986 a demo was recorded in about six hours by small Newcastle band for £25 (about $37). The piece was as rough as...

Black Metal History

It's both ironic and fitting that, while debate heats with every passing year about who is more "kvlt" in the realm of black metal,...

Black Metal History

As part of Black Metal History Month, we will be spotlighting classic albums that we feel are essential for any fan of black metal. This...


Suffocation are, for all intents and purposes, my death metal home base. I was weaned on the mid-90s death metal scene in New York...

Latest News

I went into this review with absolutely no knowledge of Vorum or any of their past work. Looking at the album cover, they could...


For the sake of full-disclosure, I should come right out with it: I absolutely love Grunge, and even when pitted against my Metal, Punk,...


Some people are often too busy laughing at the ridiculous music videos and comedic novelty of the animated series Metalocolypse to realise that Dethklok...


Becoming The Archetype present their latest album with the added pressure of introducing new bandmates to the mix. Whenever a vocalist leaves a band,...


Manowar are famed for their loyal fanbase, record breaking live shows and slick leathered up baby oil warrior style. Fans have been awaiting another...


Tesseract are a band that have broken the boundaries of as many genres they can with their highly technical djenty prog infused experimental music....


Serj Tankian is one of the most interesting musicians in the rock/metal scene. His solo career is full of experimentation with a unique sound...


With cover art that looks like Skeletor having 'Nam flashbacks, you might be inclined to assume that Fastkill – relentlessly old school, unapologetically cheesy –...


There’s plenty to say about the sonic gulfs that separate Yellow & Green from Baroness’ past work, but the primary difference here is in...


Some of histories greatest bands weren’t extremely revolutionary, original, or pioneering a new way of life through their music. Some of them simply did...


There’s no doubting Six Feet Under’s significance to the death metal world. With an extensive contribution and library to the death metal canon, how...


Owing either to their Italian origins or a discography heretofore released on small, defunct labels or the band's own Supernatural Cat imprint – most...


Over the last decade Pelican have increasingly positioned themselves at the clean, accessible end of the post-metal spectrum, their spare, uncluttered sonority more of...


If there’s only one well-known Christian metal band, it’s probably Demon Hunter. They’ve been out for over 10 years now and they've become somewhat...


Crossover thrash is a genre that can be traced back to Join The Army era Suicidal Tendencies and the very obviously titled Crossover by party...


Woods 4 was a resplendent, sprawling and morose masterpiece. Its protagonist, ultimately, was victorious in his travails, leaving the listener in a state of...


Autolatry is a Progressive Black Metal band from eastern Connecticut. Readers who like to make the trek over to MetalSucks may have heard of...