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Black Metal History

There are a lot of purist black metal bands that hide behind the shield of "keeping it trve" to defend rote, uninspired songwriting, but...


Though it’s commonly summed up as a homogenized slab of Gothenburg riffs and 90’s hardcore breakdowns, the metalcore explosion of the mid-aughts was actually...


To their credit, Blind Guardian have been content to just lay back in the cut and perfect their craft one album at a time;...


Night Demon wears their vintage hearts on their denim jacket sleeves; for them the New Wave of British Metal is where heavy music started,...


Nostalgia has a way of influencing music. It's especially pervasive in the hyper-regressive world of heavy metal where bands are frequently judged by how...

Black Metal History

Black metal is a unique genre. Generally, the creators who make the music are doing it for themselves, which is fine, artist are encouraged...

Black Metal History

By now, fans know what to expect, and that is the assurance that Taake continually manages to walk the fine line between creative expansion...

Black Metal History

There is no better way to celebrate black metal history month than to pick up a copy of Marduk's new album Frontschwein on February...

Black Metal History

ach person has his or her own way of delving into an art form. For me, books and documentaries have a colorizing effect on...


So, there’s a new Sodom EP out, but it really only consists of about six minutes of new material.


Well this was unexpected. With narry a feint or dodge that they might be going in any other direction, Black Sheep Wall  begin their latest...


For all their quality attributes Armageddon are hardly the sea changing world beaters as either fellow Swedes At the Gates nor Amott's brother Michael's...


For Einherjer, one of the elder statesmen in the post-Bathory world, the rising and falling of trends is of little concern. The answer for...


Is djent a real genre? We may never know, but Periphery will transcend past the classification and continue to be something special.


Yes. London’s Haken really like Yes. That much has been evident since they burst on to the progressive metal scene back in 2010 with...


If you still can’t understand the flowchart from Beneath the Remains, Arise and Nailbomb’s Point Blank to Soulfly and Killer Be Killed, fine, but...


I can’t imagine what it's like to lose a band mate. Riot, a band with five decades of history, has had to deal with...


Obituary is releasing their latest moldering chunk of sonic grave-soil via Relapse Records. Entitled Inked in Blood, the new one began officially embalming Eustachian...


Blut Aus Nord and its mastermind Vindsval are primarily associated with boundary shifting experimentation within the musical realm of black metal. The ultra-prolific unit...


Chances are, most of you are familiar with Excel as the band Dave Mustaine fingered as victims of a Metallica rip-off. Sure, “Enter Sandman”...


Singer/calling card Uta Plotkin joined Witch Mountin in 2009, her bluesy blend of Allanah Myles ("Black Velvet") and Heart's Ann Wilson standing out memorably...


There is power metal that apes and perpetuates those old school tropes, and then there is the brooding, doom-edged metal of Sanctuary. The Year...


In the most basic terms, Ævangelist is a black/death band. The music this duo creates is similar to the racket that Teitanblood belched into...