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Victims' seventh album offers up excellent D-beat crust-core with a difference to accompany our inevitable demise.


Now We Sleep maintains the magnetism and strive of The Observer while also upholding its own identity and idiosyncrasies throughout.


Halcyon Way will hardly ever been heralded as iconoclastic saviours of prog/power majesty, but there has been enough individuation established here to warrant a...


Thou's three newest EPs flesh the various aspects that encompass their impending full-length album.


Never has a form of music united (and divided) people such as black metal. Never has a form of music tapped into the deepest,...


If you were to ask me 10 years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to predict that Underoath would last into the year 2018....


This New Jersey band's debut is much more than a complex piece of rigidly structured virtuosity.


Previous to Black Heaven, Earthless had its niche and was painted into a comfortable corner. This new album sees a heroic breaking of convention’s...


Sweet Death and Ecstasy offers a healthy demonstration of Midnight's penchant for writing rebar rigid heavy metal that salutes the rocking past while simultaneously...


FFO: Melechesh, Nile, Rudra...


"...contribute customarily down-picked thunder and chug that recall as much bright and sassy new school sludge as it does mid-tempo Bolt Thrower-inspired wrist-slitter riffs...


All in all Deathgrip is a solid release. It's the same style of music that Fit For A King has been writing for half...


The Sword double done on last year's experimentation with an album full of acoustic versions of High Country cuts


Like most good trends, the popularity and presence of metallic hardcore has been at a constant ebb and flow. Peaking with the momentum from...


Carnifex's previous album, Die Without Hope, was what I believed to be the greatest Carnifex release to that day, and I think that Slow...


Part of the draw can be found beneath all the gibberish blast beats and inaudible vocals


When Ronnie James Dio tragically passed away in 2010, he was hands down the most significant artist (*) that the heavy metal community had...


The band draws instant comparisons to their peers in Holy Grail, Skelator, Monument and White Wizard, which also means they like their Jag Panzer,...


The leaders of the new wave of American heavy metal return with their crushing and heart-wrenching seventh album, Incarnate.


Fleshgod Apocalypse has primarily been a death metal act with a heavy influence of classical music. In doing this, opera vocals are regularly incorporated,...


Speed is Obscura’s strength; always has, always will be, apparently. A definite showing of this is exhibited in how even the rocket-paced tracks are...


Black Metal is difficult for many people to enjoy, especially those individuals not accustomed to metal. Those who appreciate black metal, though, will find...


Sevendust is a divisive band within the metalsphere, one that so-called "trve" metalheads either love to hate or hate to love. Either they're dogged...

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