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Search results for "APOCALYPSE"


Italian death metal band Bedsore comes through with a powerful debut of savage heaviness, transportive psychedelia and unnerving atmosphere.


Named for the year in which the epidemic reached Norway and black metal outfit 1349. Much like the dreaded outbreak, their music is unrelenting, unmerciful,...


The world is going to hell in a gasoline-soaked wicker handbasket. But the dudes in Oozing Wound have got your back with a fucking...


Avant garde death metal from the crypt, this is some truly fucked up music.


Aside from a few hiccups here and there in the overall flow of the record, I Loved You At Your Darkest is good. You'll...


Hailing from Sweden, home to some of the most essential metal, comes Follow The Cipher. For a band just releasing their debut, there's a...


Never has a form of music united (and divided) people such as black metal. Never has a form of music tapped into the deepest,...


Bands like Aura Noir serve an important purpose in the world of extreme metal: keeping thrash weird. These sons of Hades may have carved...


Bizarre, inaccessible and wonderfully weird, this is one of the most challenging metal releases I've heard all year!


Whether you’re a fan or not, it has to be recognized that there’s no band like the singular, shape-shifting force of musical nature and...


FFO: The Dillinger Escape Plan, Protest the Hero, SikTh...


Early on in the earnest, deservedly beloved 2008 documentary Anvil! The Story of Anvil, a series of 80's metal luminaries are trotted out in...


Agoraphobic Nosebleed has been ravaging the grindcore scene since ’94 and, along with Enemy Soil, are among the first to bring a battling gun-like...


The issue as it stands for Exmortus on Ride Forth is that in addition to much of this release screaming prodigious talent, scholastic competency...


Some things are over as quickly as they began. Or so they seem. Like a great day that just goes by too quickly, I...


TL;DR- It's amazing and not what you're expecting.


To be honest, I’m not exactly sure what angle to take in this review. Do I try a purely fair assessment of Bloodtruth’s abilities...


Despite hailing from the relatively well-off economic hub of Padua, Italy, Children of Technology has created a dystopian air around themselves. Their image is...


If you're a fan of Dragonforce, definitely get this record. If you're looking for something new, give it a listen but know you're not...

At The Movies

The key value in this book is not so much in the research as the actual, lived-in expertise and insight that McPadden brings to...


Friday night I had one of the coolest metal moments of my metal nerd life. Summer Slaughter kicked off in San Francisco and The Ocean put...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

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