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When your last album was both an underrated sleeper and a frequent inclusion on Best of 2011 lists, expectations are understandably high for your follow up....


You know how there is a four pm? Did you know there is another 4 in the morning? I'm going to introduce myself to...


Back in the 1980's Satan was everywhere in the United States. A confederacy of dunces consisting of law enforcement agencies, the media and pearl...


It is a rare thing these days for a post-metal band to break the mold. So many bands play sludgy, lurching, epic metal that...


Avenged Sevenfold has not been too shy in talk of their new album. The one thing that always popped up in interviews regarding Hail to...


No matter what you might think of the band, their style or the evolution of their mainman Dez Fafara since his early days earning...


With an opening on “Threshold Gateway” of crackling fire and the sound of wind blowing, and an interlude of an organ, Wolvserpent sets off...


Picture this scene. You’ve just landed on the isle of Crete. You leave your ship and walk up the beach. The surf is crashing...


Sometimes, there’s an album that takes hold of you from the very first playthrough. It could be an album you have been waiting to...


Following their epic adventures in the video game concept album Level 2, Last Chance To Reason are back, and they are taking us to...


Dubbed swamp metal by some, Black Tusk fashioned their sound in the Savannah scene, easily set next to Kylesa and Baroness… but with the three...


Friday night I had one of the coolest metal moments of my metal nerd life. Summer Slaughter kicked off in San Francisco and The Ocean put...


At the time of this Weekly Injection, I am in my usual metal dungeon, but this time I am surrounded by a small group...


Everyone has seen or heard that thing that someone just nailed head on; hitting the mark with only one shot as though they didn't...


A little over a year ago, I wrote a review of Autolatry's EP, Of the Land, and enjoyed it quite a bit. After a listen...


Congratulations! If you are reading this, you survived this weekend's Supermoon invasion. It was a little touch-and-go, as we all know, and those we...


If you haven’t seen the new Chthonic video for “Supreme Pain for the Tyrant,” then immediately scroll to the bottom of this review and...


Return To Annihilation is Locrian's most accessible album, although "accessible" is a subjective word. Considering how challenging much of the Chicago trio's back catalog...


Holy hell, you guys! The metal gods heard my complaining last week. I made the mistake of bitching about not enough notable releases, and...


Mouth of the Architect are sticking to their guns on Dawning with some seriously quality post-metal that presents itself naturally and without any bells...


There's something unsettling about the music of Tristan Shone, a.k.a. Author & Punisher. It's hard to pinpoint, but there's a certain menace about the...


This album has gotten so much bad press that it's hard to approach with an open mind. As a huge Megadeth fan, and someone...


This week felt like both a slow week for albums and a huge week for albums. There were not that many new releases that...